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裏爾克 (奧地利)(英譯萊蒙特)
百靈鳥騰空而起 雙翅挑起
灰白的天幕 那曾經
懸掛於幹禿枝椏之上的 隱秘又黯淡的
午後春雨漫長 終於到了那個時辰
陽光金色的光柱 穿越亮閃閃的
雨簾 投射於窗口之上
雨滴敲擊窗欞 如同膽怯的翅膀
雨聲消減 輕柔如搖籃曲 石頭漸入夢鄉
那蜷縮於枝幹之上 深埋於
明亮蓓蕾之中的 是沉寂的 蓄勢待發的力量
Again the woods are odorous, the lark
Lifts on upsoaring wings the heaven gray
That hung above the tree-tops, veiled and dark,
Where branches bare disclosed the empty day.
After long rainy afternoons an hour
Comes with its shafts of golden light and flings
Them at the windows in a radiant shower,
And rain drops beat the panes like timorous wings.
Then all is still. The stones are crooned to sleep
By the soft sound of rain that slowly dies;
And cradled in the branches, hidden deep
In each bright bud, a slumbering silence lies.
(Poems (1918) by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Jessie Lemont)
+1 非常美麗動人。裏爾克的詩一是無處不在的寓意, 還有就是畫麵感,不經意間描繪出的美麗風景…