而對於我 遙遠和距離 才會承載更多
在我的臉龐之後 有一個世界在延展
無人居住 那裏或許 跟月球一樣寂寞荒涼
他們所有的言語 都已經被占領
在這裏 顯得如此的不同 與四周格格不入
在自己的領地 它們曾經行動迅捷 如野獸一樣生猛
而在這裏 它們卻因為羞愧 而緊緊屏住了呼吸
The Loner
Like one who has traveled distant oceans
am I among those who are forever at home.
The crowded days are spread across their tables,
but to me the far-off holds more life.
Behind my face stretches a world
no more lived in, perhaps, than the moon.
But the others leave no feeling alone
and all their words are inhabited.
The things I brought back with me
seem strange here and out of place.
In their own land they moved like animals,
but here they hold their breath in shame.
— Rilke, Book of Images