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Rainer Marina Rilke (Original in German)
What fields are as fragrant as your hands?
You feel how external fragrance stands
upon your stronger resistance.
Stars stand in images above.
Give me your mouth to soften, love;
ah, your hair is all in idleness.
See, I want to surround you with yourself
and the faded expectation lift
from the edges of your eyebrows;
I want, as with inner eyelids sheer,
to close for you all places which appear
by my tender caresses now.
還有哪裏的土地 比你的雙手 更芬芳
你感受著 周圍的香氣 在你越來越有力的推拒中 緩緩升起
有星星 懸掛於畫麵之上
請給我你的唇 親愛的 我會讓它們更加甜蜜柔軟
你的長發 在風中肆意飛揚
看 我想要 你 被你自己包圍
我想要 為了你 把自己的角角落落全部閉合