
cxyz (熱門博主)
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Bicarbonate of Soda! -- Andrew Hurrel

(2017-09-24 06:45:00) 下一個

Published on Sep 14, 2016Disclaimer .Anyone adopting these protocols does so at their own risk. Talk to a health car pro before stopping any medication. During my 4 week assault on cancer and my P.S.A. dropped to a seventh of the previous level from 5.29 to 0.65 Your mission is to try and score 200 points per day by using all the ingredients below as often as you can. If you can paste the table below onto a spread sheet like excel or a free download here.............. http://webtrends.about.com/od/office2... References below … http://phkillscancer.com Original story and site from Don Porter who posted his cure on Youtube ...Thanks Don! https://www.cancertutor.com/ best possible site for truthful guidance on every natural non-invasive protocol available for cancer https://youtu.be/OjkzfeJz66o BLOOD VESSELS AND CANCER https://youtu.be/HQjWihTYvzQ EATING FOR LIFE BRENDA DAVIES https://youtu.be/hmYNLNF7NBw Rick Simpson Cannabis oil story of cancer treatment http://hempoilshop.nl/index.php?route... source of pure HEMP (cannabis) oil which can cure cancer on its own. https://youtu.be/Yl8Y8I_TsjI BAKING SODA DEMONSTRATION BY DON PORTER https://youtu.be/BfQIBN3a8B4


DR Simoncini and his discovery of Baking Soda cure Food and supplements to consume either juiced (best), and/or raw or cooked VERY LIGHTLY, portion size for cooked foods should be (at least) large tomato size Note that the advice is all foods are organic, however 80% of foods I ate were not. Target is 200 points per day. 200 points is enough to halt the progress in cancer and in most cases will cure or (at the very least) shrink tumours BAKING SODA and Maple Syrup as described in above video Vegetable juicing at least 8 of the ingredients below include at least 1 kilo of carrots (tops off)

BLUEBERRIES 40 units =20 pts

Fruit juicing 2 pieces = 15 pts

red / black GRAPES (with pips AND SKIN, CHEW AND SWALLOW BETWEEN MEALS) 25 units = 15 pts Apricot kernels B17 supp 12 kernels = 12 pts

Turmeric 1000mg =12 pts

TOMATOES (COOKED) 4 units = 9 pts

BEETROOT per unit = 8

Apple cider vinegar organic no sugar or sweetener = 8

OXYGEN (deep breathing 30+ times a day oxygen helps alkalinity) = 6

flax / sesame seed oil = 6

GARLIC, 1 clove = 5 pts

GINGER a slice = 5 pts

Olive oil /Canola oil max 20ml per day = 5 pts

FILTERED WATER 1 litre = 4 pts

ALOE VERA JUICE (Best blended from your own plant) 1/2 stem = 4 pts

Kefir... type of yogurt to replace good gut bacteria wiped out by any antibiotic courses +4 pts

Spinach (handful) 4 pts

Omega 3 .. 4 pts

Apple = 4 pts

Saw palmetto supplement (prostate) 500mg 3

PEPPERS ALL COLOURS (per pepper) 3

Vitamin c 1000MG 3

Kale (a handful) 3

Sprouts (a handful) 3

Avocado PER UNIT = 3




COLLIFLOWER 4 flwrs = 2

Melatonin/serotonin 2

Vitamin B12 SUPP = 4


WHITE CABBAGE (handful) = 2

Sweet potatoes 1/2 PER DAY MAX = 2

lentils (portion) = 2

kidney beans (portion) = 2

Iodine suppliment or iodine salt = 2

Brazil nut s (high in vital selenium) = 3


ONION (red is even better) PER UNIT 2

BANANA (for Potassium) = 2

pomegranate seeds = 2

pumpkin seed = 2

kiwi fruit PER UNIT = 2

cucumber 1/4 UNIT = 2

un processed peas = 1

lemon = 1

pineapple 1/4 UNIT = 1

black /dark plums 1 UNIT = 1

butternut squash (handful) = 1

red chilli peppers = 1

porridge oats with half almond or coconut milk and half filtered water and banana = 1

WALNUTS for snacks only 10 UNITS = 1

TURNIP = 1 stevia only for sweetening if Necessary


0 brown rice 0 cayenne pepper 0 Tahini sauce (vegan no sugar) 0 ANY OF THESE PER DAY DEDUCT THESE POINTS

no cakes, biscuits, sweets, buns, scones, pastries, puddings, condiments like jam marmalade etc etc -40

no meat or fish = -25

no sugar including food with sugar no sweetener or aspartame or packet food = -25

NO Diary, cheese, milk, eggs, yogurt, breads, margarine, butter, ice cream etc etc = -25

no processed or packaged food ! = -25

no smoking = -25

no alcohol = -20

no microwave OF ANYTHING = -10

any product with flour = -10

no unfiltered water = -10

no oils of any kind except Olive and Canola = -10

no tea no coffee = -6

no mushrooms or peanuts of any kind in first 12 days (too much fungus) = -5

no bread (except vegan bread) = -5

no table salt = -5


no potatoes (except sweet potatoes)= -1

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    • Education
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    • Standard YouTube License
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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 回複 '彩煙遊士' 的評論 : 我也持懷疑態度。不過有些觀念引起共鳴。
彩煙遊士 回複 悄悄話 這些講的太神奇的,一般都是不可信的。這是我的看法。
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 回複 '為寫而寫' 的評論 : 是的, 還有氧氣和保暖, 我覺得也很重要, 如重症病人吸氧,還有有Shock時,需要毯子把人蓋好保暖。
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yy56' 的評論 : 是,看個大方向吧。
為寫而寫 回複 悄悄話 謝謝小C分享。我想就算不全對,多吃水果蔬菜少攝入糖分和其它垃圾食品總是對身體好的。
yy56 回複 悄悄話 我也注意到了。但是對此還有疑問。
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 我覺得有一點方向是正確的,人體的自我康複能力是最強有力的, 應該有研究專注於這方麵。再有, 身體出了問題,癌症也好, 其它病也好, 大的也好, 小的也好, 不應該專注於什麽出了毛病治什麽上,也就是治標不治本上, 當然什麽是那個本, 還有待探討。
人間的盒子 回複 悄悄話 剛剛微信裏見到說要早上空腹吃水果,我估計也差不多意思,說是哪怕很酸的水果其實都是堿性的,誰知道啊,好象講不太通。