
雪中梅 (熱門博主)
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  當給園子澆水的時候,心情都會有一種輕鬆愉快的感覺。看著噴出的水線畫出了弧形,在陽光的照射下,水線裏就會閃爍出一道瑰麗的彩虹。澆過水後,果樹的葉子上就會凝結著一個個晶瑩的小水珠,整個的果樹看上去是一片的翠綠。有一次在澆窩瓜的時候,驚喜的發現,在窩瓜秧的莖上已經結出了一個小窩瓜。小窩瓜頂著小黃花一付羞答答的樣子。一般來說, 小窩瓜雖然會經常開花,但是不等於能夠結果。另外有些時候,即使瓜秧上結出了一個小窩瓜, 也經常會出現半途夭折的情況。所以無論種瓜種豆,還是種植果樹,都不是一件容易的事情。



  人們應該不分種族,團結互助,不斷的增強環保意識。 用勤勞的雙手和智慧去建設美麗的家園,相信世界的明天一定會更美好。




  今天是世界地球日(Earth Day),(4月22日2022年,星期五)。





  有關地球方麵的知識介紹:From:  《 Planet Earth 》《The solar system》《Eartth》

  “Earth is the only planet in the universe known to harbor life. It is surrounded by a protective blanket of air---the atmosphere---that allows us to breathe and prevents the planet from becoming too hot. The Earth's orbit around the Sun, and its tilted axis, are responsible for its weather, its climates, and its seasons. The planet's often dramatic landforms and its seasons. The planet's often formed over millions of years by erosion and the movement of the Earth's crust.”


 (1) The solar system: (太陽係)

  " Our Earth is in the middle of a family of planets that all move around our Sun. We call this the solar system. So far, life has not been discovered on any planets other than Earth, but it soon might be one day."


  "The Solar system(太陽係):

  The collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.

   The planets of the solar system are ( in order of distance from the sun)  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. "



  "We live in a solar system--a place where planets move in invisible paths, called orbits, around a star in the middle.


  Our star is the Sun. It is the biggest and strongest object in our solar system. Its giant size gives it more gravity, or pull, than anything else.


  Gravity keeps everything around the Sun from floating away. This powerful force holds planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and more in place. Each has its own special orbit around the Sun"

  重力(引力)使太陽周圍的一切都不會飄走。這種強大的力量將行星,衛星,小行星,彗星等固定在適當的位置。 而且每個都有自己特殊的圍繞太陽的軌道。

  (2)The atmosphere (大氣層) 

  “All around Earth is a blanket called the atmosphere, which contains the air we breathe.


  (3) The crust (地殼)

  The crust is the thin layer of rock that covers the Earth. It can be between 3 and half miles and 42 miles (5 and 68 km) thick.

  覆蓋在地球表麵上很薄的岩石層叫做地殼。它的厚度在3.5mile 到42mile之間。

  (4) The mantle (地幔)

  The mantle is the layer that lies below the crust. The deeper mantle is solid rock, but the upper layer is moving rock.

  地幔位於地殼的下麵,上地幔屬於軟流層, 而下地幔的物質則呈現了可塑性固態。

  (5) The inner core (地核)

  The inner core is a red-hot, solid ball of molten iron and nickel that is  (4,500度Celsius). That's hot.”


 (6)The soil (土壤)

  " Without soil, life would be impossible because nothing can grow without it. Soil is the part of the Earth that lies between us and the solid bedrock.


  (7)layers of soil: (土壤層)

  If you cut a section through the soil, down to the rock beneath, you would find lots of layers. The material nearest the top is the rich soil needed for plants to grow, and the bottom is solid rock.

  如果你從土壤中切出一段,一直到岩石的下麵,將會發現土壤中有很多的層次。在最頂部的材料是可以供植物生長的肥沃土壤, 而在底部則是堅硬的岩石。

 (8) What is soil? ( 什麽是土壤?)

  Soil is made up of rocks, minerals, dead plants and animals, tiny creatures, gases, and water. As plants and animals die, tiny creatures and bacteria break them down to become soil. "


 (9) " The power of the Sun: (太陽的能量)

  The Earth is constantly bombarded with rays from the Sun---a huge ball of burning gases in space. In addition to producing heat and light, the Sun controls the Earth's weather.


 (10) Warmth and water: (  溫度和水)

  The heat from the Sun turns the moisture from leafy trees and plants into invisible water vapor in the air. The same thing happens with the water in lakes and oceans.

  來自太陽的熱量將多葉樹木和植物中的水分轉化為空氣中看不見的水蒸汽 。而在湖泊和海洋中的水裏也會發生同樣的過程。

 (11) Clouds: (  雲)

  Water vapor in the air can turn tiny droplets that form clouds. The cloud droplets may then join up and become bigger drops of rain.


 (12) Wind: ( 風)

  The Sun's rays warm pockets of air, which causes them to rise. Cool air then rushes in to fill the gap. This movement of air is what we call wind.


  (13)Rain: ( 雨)

  Water from clouds falls as rain. If the air is cold enough, the moisture turns into snowflakes instead of raindrops. Whatever form it takes, all moisture that falls to the ground is called precipitation.


  (14)Starting again: ( 重新開始--再循環)

  Some rain and melted snow flow back into our rivers and oceans. This water is called runoff. Some will evaporate into clouds once more.


 (15) "Planet pollution:(地球的汙染)

  The Earth is a special but fragile place. Some of the things we do to it, such as polluting it with chemicals, are destroying resources that are valuable to its survival. We must learn to look after our home.

  地球是一個特殊且還是脆弱的地方。 我們人類對地球做過一些不利的事情。比如有化學物質的汙染,正在破壞對其生存有價值的資源。所以我們必須學會保護家園。

  (16)Burning forests: (  燒毀的森林)

  Since 1945, more than 40% percent of the world's tropical rainforest has been cut down for lumber and farming. When forests disappear, so do many animal and plant homes.


  (17)Growing deserts: ( 正在增加的沙漠)

  Deserts are constantly expanding. People living near them use up plants for food or fuel, and once land becomes a desert, it is difficult for anything to grow there again.


(18)  A lot of garbage: (  許多的垃圾)

  Think about how much garbage you throw away in your home. Now imagine everyone else's garbage added to it. It's a big problem.


 (19) A big waste: (  一種大的汙水)

  Each day, a huge amount of sewage and chemical waste from factories is pumped into our rivers and oceans. Dirty water can spread diseases and can kill fish and other wildlife. "


  (20) Polluted air: ( 空氣的汙染)

    Factories, especially those that run on fossil fuels, pump dangerous chemicals into the air that are bad for our lungs. They also make the rain acidic.

    工廠,尤其是那些使用化石燃料的工廠。 將有害的化學物質噴入空氣中,不僅會傷害人們的肺部,而且還會使雨水變成酸性。



  New words: 生詞:

  1. Atmosphere 大氣層

  2. Axis 軸

  3. Landform 地形

  4. Floating away 飄走

  5. Gravity 重力

  6. Asteroid 小行星

  7. Mantle 地幔

  8. Fossil 化石

  9. Sewage 汙水

  10. Runoff 徑流

  11. bombard 轟擊

  12. Precipitation 降水

  13.Vapor 汽

  14. Bedrock 基岩

  15. Meteoroids 流星體

  16. Mercury 水星

  17.Venus 金星

  18. Mars 火星

  19. Jupiter木星

  20. Saturn土星

  21. Uranus 天王星

  22. Neptune 海王星



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