
雪中梅 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2018-03-31 07:51:35) 下一個


  花了一段的時間讀完了兩本書。其中的一本是在去年時讀的,在那一本書裏講的都是跑馬拉鬆的事情。書中介紹了人們參加跑步的年齡不同, 但是她們都是帶著一種精神去參加跑步活動的。她們把跑馬拉鬆當成了一種意誌上和體魄上的鍛練。我在讀那本書的時候,曾經被他們的精神深深的感動過。同時那本書還使我想起了自己在學業上失敗的時候, 曾經花了好幾年的時間,開始選修不同的功課,後來選修的分數都超過了一百分,可是最後卻沒有完成學業。當時的那種功虧一簣的打擊實在是太大了。我在那一段的期間裏,連電視都不想看。後來幸虧家裏有一隻小貓咪的陪伴,另外就是觀看奧林匹克的錄影帶,還有就是愛人的耐心講解和安慰。否則的話真不知道如何度過那段痛苦的時間。可以說在我的人生道路是一個很大的挫折。有一次去一元店買東西時,在一個擺著書本的角落裏,我發現了那本有關跑馬拉鬆的書。在書裏麵講的都是真人真事。一般來說,凡是勵誌或者鼓舞人的書,我都是很喜歡看的。因為我覺得,在困境裏,一個人要勇敢的麵對不公平的對待,所以要有一個堅定的信念。可以說在人生的道路上總會有風風雨雨的,有的風雨是自然的, 有的困境是人為的。可是不論生活中的風雨有多麽的險惡,隻要有一個堅定的信心, 努力工作,努力學習;永遠都不要放棄自己,不論做什麽事情都要好好的做,隻要問心無愧就行。可能會有人對你撒出流言, 也可能會有人把你推進糞坑。。。可是你知道自己不是那種下賤之人。實際上的你是一個積極向上,熱愛生活,真誠待人的人。


  下麵的段落摘引是來自一本小說:《Courage for Beginners》

  (" Saturday before sunrise. When it is time, I go outside in the backyard. You can hear them coming by the sounds of hot air. A sea of hot-air balloons sailing over our neighborhood. They come in this direction every year. They start at a park miles from here, and then float over rooftops all around town. They are like quiet surprises. I look forward to this day like Christmas. It is one  small thing in my life that has not changed...I sit down on the dry grass and then lie flat next to the vegetables so that I can watch the balloons.

  There are at least fifty of them in the sky now, or so it seems. When they are silently floating and not pulling the lever to release hot air into the balloon, you can almost believe they aren't real things, but painted right onto the sky. Silently gliding. Peacefully sailing. Not in this world  with problems, but above it where they are only concerned with air. Only traveling as fast as the wind blows."



  下麵的段落摘引是來自《Running the Crim》這本書裏,

" The next morning we took our position near the back of the starting line and felt great about it. I was energized by all the excitement . Early in the race, I decided to pass an older gentleman, but he soon did the same to me, so I had to pass him again. By the time the race was over, I learned that he had just celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday and had run twenty-nine marathons. He never ran until he was fifty-three. "

  “All of my life, since I was a little girl, I was very shy. In fact, I would say painfully shy. I was extremely quiet and my interests consisted mainly of reading and blending into the background. I never drew attention to myself in any way, shape, or form. At times, I deliberately took  the long way to my next class, even if it meant being tardy, to avoid the hallway where the boys sat along the benches and watched the girls go by. Some of my peers believed me to be stuck up or stand-offish, which was so ridiculous, because it was totally not the case 。。。

  Much to my surprise and delight, I loved my running group. I was astonished at how many wonderful people I met that first summer and how many of them continue to be my great friends. I looked forward to every Tuesday night run. It was actually more fun than I could have imagined. Even when it was really hard, I loved it. I fallowed the fifteen week training  the calendar religiously, and I ran/walked my first Crim in 2001. I fell in love with the race and the people I met along the way. I couldn't bear the thought of it all being over after the Crim. Many of my new friends from the training program along with my husband and me,  continued to run and walk through the winter that first year and every year since that 2001 training season...”

  在《Running the Crim》這本書裏所寫的都是真實的故事。 在書裏描述的故事中都是來自不同年齡和不同性別方麵的人。而且在大體上都有相似的經曆過程。那就是在開始跑步的過程中,大家由試跑變成了對跑步的熱愛,因為通過跑步既鍛練了身體和意誌,同時也增進了友誼。我在上麵摘選的一個片段是一個女子在參加馬拉鬆跑步時的故事。她說自己是一個性格很孤僻且害羞的人。尤其是在上中學期間表現得更明顯。她說最害怕的就是在學校的走廊裏的走過,因為她害怕那些走廊裏男生們的眼光和議論。而自卑的心理就象一塊陰雲籠罩在她的心頭。而且她不喜歡任何體育活動,她認為自己不超重,盡管身材不那麽的完美,也沒有必要去參加什麽體育活動。到了成年之後,在有機會參加馬拉鬆體育鍛練的活動中,開始時,她是帶著一種嚐試的心態參加了跑步隊。可是沒有想到的是,馬拉鬆活動對她的影響很大。到了後來,她不僅喜歡馬拉鬆跑步鍛練活動,而且她也喜歡跑步隊裏的朋友們。



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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 其實我的英文基礎是很差的,隻所以寫到博客裏,那是想提醒自己別放棄讀書.
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 英文的片段來自書中.
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 回複 '露得' 的評論 : 過獎了,我看書時會亂畫,畫上橫杠所喜歡的地方.其實我寫在這裏是想記住較喜歡的片段.謝謝留言,平安是福.
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 回複 '波城冬日' 的評論 : 我也是讀過就忘,所以我會查找讀書時畫過的道道.再去讀讀畫過的地方.就這樣了.英文不好,所以還需要下功夫.平安是福.
露得 回複 悄悄話 讀書讀得細,寫得也好!
波城冬日 回複 悄悄話 讚讀書筆記,我讀書讀過就忘,要向你學習!
雪中梅 回複 悄悄話 因為昨天匆忙,過後才發現錯處很多,後來更正了一下,再發出來。自責不能匆忙的發東西。