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在讀書的時候,我有一個壞習慣。那就是看到了有好的句子時,就會在句子下麵劃上橫杠;或者是把查到的詞義寫在書上。所以我看過的書最後都是畫的亂七八糟。愛人曾經批評過幾回,而我呢是道歉之後,屢教不改, 所以壞的習慣照舊。後來我就去一元店去買書,第一是新書,第二即使是亂畫了也不會怕丟價錢。其實呢在一元店裏也會買到好書。比如說:[Invisible Man], [Pride and Prejudice],《Running The Crim》 (但是一元店裏的傲慢與偏見的書是簡寫本),所以故事雖然讀過了,但是還是不全的,另外語言的障礙也或多或少的影響了對故事的理解。所以英文小說即使讀過了也會忘得一幹二淨。
下麵是其中一個小的片段的摘抄:“You probably didn't know that I switched my studies from medicine to physics when I was twenty-two. I was especially interested in the study of light and its relationship to solids and liquids, like the way a piece of glass becomes practically invisible in water when light passes through it.
'Yes, but man isn't transparent like glass is,' said Kemp. 'So what does this have to do with you?
' Ah, man is transparent. In fact,he's more transparent! Just think, Kemp, flesh, bone, hair, nails, nerves--every part of man except the red of his blood and certain pigments , or coloring matter--are all made up of transparent, colorless tissue. I worked on these ideas for six years, never daring to tell a soul or publish my findings until I had everything perfected. All my research, every formula I developed, everything I've done is written in code in those three notebooks Thomas Marvel stole from me. That's why I must hunt him down and get them back.
'But the blood and the pigments--how did you make them invisible?'
'That took another three years. I almost had to give up my research because of money, but I was so determined to go on with my work..." (這段話是來自《The Invisible Man》裏的一段話。)
這幾句話也很好:"Gardening is great exercise"
"There are five enemies of peace: avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride."
"It is better to embrace a moment than it is to fear the moment passing."