
雪中梅 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2016-08-21 06:24:39) 下一個



  今天去點津英語的網頁中,有機會讀到了中國國家主席習近平的文章。這是自己第一次來讀雙語演講文章。在一邊讀英文的同時,一邊借助中文的翻譯,覺得文章寫 的非常的好。在精彩的演講中,習主席用古今的文化演變,多元化的文化精髓,以及跨越時空的和平理念,一再強調和平的重要性,以及戰爭的殘酷性。今天把這篇 雙語文章轉到此處,希望朋友們能夠好好的讀一讀,一定會受益非淺。




President Xi Jinping delivers a wide-ranging speech on civilization at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on Thursday. [Photo/Agencies]



中華人民共和國主席 習近平

Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At UNESCO Headquarters



Your Excellency Madame Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to have an opportunity of visiting the UNESCO headquarters. Let me begin by offering Madame Bokova my heartfelt congratulations on her re-election as the Director-General of the Organization and paying my sincere tribute to UNESCO for the extraordinary contribution it has made for greater exchanges and mutual learning among human civilizations.

教 科文組織誕生於69年前,那時世界反法西斯戰爭硝煙剛剛散去。麵對戰爭給人類帶來的慘烈後果,人類又一次反思戰爭與和平的真諦。千百年來,人類都夢想著持 久和平,但戰爭始終像一個幽靈一樣伴隨著人類發展曆程。此時此刻,世界上很多孩子正生活在戰亂的驚恐之中。我們必須作出努力,讓戰爭遠離人類,讓全世界的 孩子們都在和平的陽光下幸福成長。

UNESCO was born 69 years ago when the smoke of the World War against Fascism had barely dissipated. The grisly horror of war forced mankind once again to reflect on the nature of war and peace. Throughout the centuries, people have yearned for lasting peace, but war, like a haunting ghost, has been accompanying the journey of human progress every step of the way. As we speak, many children on this planet are subjected to the horror of armed conflicts. We must do our utmost to keep war as far away as possible from mankind so that children across the world can grow up happily under the sunshine of peace.


The stone wall at the entrance to the UNESCO headquarters carries the inscription of one single message in several languages: Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.


As long as the idea of peace can strike deep roots and the sail of peace can be hoisted in the hearts and minds of people all over the world, a strong defense will be constructed to prevent and stop war. People hoped to promote inter-civilization exchanges, equality of educational opportunities and scientific literacy in order to dispel estrangement, prejudice and hatred, and spread the seeds for the idea of peace. This is precisely why UNESCO was established in the first place.


The aspiration and vision as such deserve our renewed commitment. Not only so, but we must also step up cross-border, cross-time-and-space and cross-civilization activities in education, science, technology and culture to spread the seeds of the idea of peace far and wide so that they will sprout, take root and grow in the hearts and minds of the world's people, and provide the planet we share with more and more forests of peace.

自 1945年成立以來,教科文組織忠實履行使命,在增進世界人民相互了解和信任、推動不同文明交流互鑒方麵進行了不懈努力。中國高度重視同教科文組織的合 作,願意加大參與教科文組織的各項活動。為體現對非洲的支持和幫助,我們決定把通過教科文組織向包括非洲國家在內的發展中國家提供的長城獎學金名額由每年 25人擴大為75人,我們還將同教科文組織一道把援助非洲信托基金的活動繼續開展下去。

Since its inception in 1945, UNESCO has faithfully lived up to its mandate and worked untiringly to enhance trust and understanding among the world's peoples and promote exchanges and mutual learning among the various civilizations. China attaches great importance to its cooperation with UNESCO and stands ready to expand its participation in UNESCO activities. We have decided to expand the Great Wall Fellowship, a scheme that provides scholarship to developing countries, African countries included via UNESCO, from 25 to 75 people every year to demonstrate China's support and assistance for Africa. We will also continue to work within the framework of the UNESCO trust fund to help Africa.


Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,


Civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning. Such exchanges and mutual learning form an important drive for human progress and global peace and development.


To promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, we must adopt a right approach with some important principles. They, in my view, contain the following:


First, civilizations have come in different colors, and such diversity has made exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations relevant and valuable. Just as the sunlight has seven colors, our world is a place of dazzling colors. A civilization is the collective memory of a country or a nation. Throughout history, mankind have created and developed many colorful civilizations, from earlier days of primitive hunting to the period of agriculture, and from booming industrial revolution to the information society. Together, they present a magnificent genetic map of the exciting march of human civilizations.


"A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden." If there were only one kind of flower in the world, people will find it boring no matter how beautiful it is. Be it the Chinese civilization, or other civilizations in the world, they are all fruits of human progress.

我 參觀過法國盧浮宮,也參觀過中國故宮博物院,它們珍藏著千萬件藝術珍品,吸引人們眼球的正是其展現的多樣文明成果。文明交流互鑒不應該以獨尊某一種文明或 者貶損某一種文明為前提。中國人在2000多年前就認識到了“物之不齊,物之情也”的道理。推動文明交流互鑒,可以豐富人類文明的色彩,讓各國人民享受更 富內涵的精神生活、開創更有選擇的未來。

I have visited the Louvre Museum in France and the Palace Museum in China, both of which house millions of pieces of art treasures. They are attractive because they are able to present the richness of diverse civilizations. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations must not be built on the exclusive praise or belittling of one particular civilization. As early as over 2,000 years ago, the Chinese people came to recognize that "it is only natural for things to be different". Greater exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations can further enrich the colors of various civilizations and the cultural life of people, and open up still greater alternatives in the future.


Second, civilizations are equal, and such equality has made exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations possible. All human civilizations are equal in terms of value. They all have their respective strengths and shortcomings. There is no perfect civilization in the world. Nor is there a civilization that is devoid of any merit. No one civilization can be judged superior to another.

我 訪問過世界上許多地方,最喜歡做的一件事情就是了解五大洲的不同文明,了解這些文明與其他文明的不同之處、獨到之處,了解在這些文明中生活的人們的世界 觀、人生觀、價值觀。我到過代表古瑪雅文明的奇琴伊察,也到過帶有濃厚伊斯蘭文明色彩的中亞古城撒馬爾罕。我深深感到,要了解各種文明的真諦,必須秉持平 等、謙虛的態度。如果居高臨下對待一種文明,不僅不能參透這種文明的奧妙,而且會與之格格不入。曆史和現實都表明,傲慢和偏見是文明交流互鑒的最大障礙。

I have visited many places in the world. The best thing I wanted to do is to learn about differing civilizations across the five continents, what make them different and unique, how their people think about the world and life and what they hold dear. I have visited Chichen Itza, a window on the ancient Maya civilization, and the Central Asian city of Samarkand, an epitome of the ancient Islamic civilization. It is my keenly-felt conviction that an attitude of equality and modesty is required if one wants to truly understand the various civilizations. Taking a condescending attitude toward a civilization can not help anyone to appreciate its essence but may risk antagonizing it. Both history and reality show that pride and prejudice are two biggest obstacles to exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.


Third, civilizations are inclusive, and such inclusiveness has given exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations the needed drive to move forward. The ocean is vast for it refuses no rivers. All civilizations are crystallizations of mankind's hard work and wisdom. Every civilization is unique. Copying other civilizations mechanically or blindly is like cutting one's toes just to fit his shoes, which is not only impossible but also highly detrimental. All achievements of civilizations deserve our respect and must be treasured.


History also tells us that only by interacting with and learning from others can a civilization enjoy full vitality. If all civilizations can uphold inclusiveness, the so-called "clash of civilizations" will be out of the question and the harmony of civilizations will become reality. This is like what we Chinese often say, "radish or cabbage, each to his own delight."


Having gone through over 5,000 years of vicissitudes, the Chinese civilization has always kept to its original root. Unique in representing China spiritually, it contains some most profound pursuits of the Chinese nation and provides it with abundant nourishment for existence and development. Though born on the soil of China, it has come to its present form through constant exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations.

公 元前100多年,中國就開始開辟通往西域的絲綢之路。漢代張騫於公元前138年和119年兩次出使西域,向西域傳播了中華文化,也引進了葡萄、苜蓿、石 榴、胡麻、芝麻等西域文化成果。西漢時期,中國的船隊就到達了印度和斯裏蘭卡,用中國的絲綢換取了琉璃、珍珠等物品。中國唐代是中國曆史上對外交流的活躍 期。據史料記載,唐代中國通使交好的國家多達70多個,那時候的首都長安裏來自各國的使臣、商人、留學生雲集成群。這個大交流促進了中華文化遠播世界,也 促進了各國文化和物產傳入中國。15世紀初,中國明代著名航海家鄭和七次遠洋航海,到了東南亞很多國家,一直抵達非洲東海岸的肯尼亞,留下了中國同沿途各 國人民友好交往的佳話。明末清初,中國人積極學習現代科技知識,歐洲的天文學、醫學、數學、幾何學、地理學知識紛紛傳入中國,開闊中國人的知識視野。之 後,中外文明交流互鑒更是頻繁展開,這其中有衝突、矛盾、疑惑、拒絕,但更多是學習、消化、融合、創新。

In the 2nd century B.C., China began working on the Silk Road leading to the Western Regions. In 138 B.C. and 119 B.C., Envoy Zhang Qian of the Han Dynasty made two trips to those regions, spreading the Chinese culture there and bringing into China grape, alfalfa, pomegranate, flax, sesame and other products. In the Western Han Dynasty, China's merchant fleets sailed as far as India and Sri Lanka where they traded China's silk for colored glaze, pearls and other products. The Tang Dynasty saw dynamic interactions between China and other countries. According to historical documents, the dynasty exchanged envoys with over 70 countries, and Chang'an, the capital of Tang, bustled with envoys, merchants and students from other countries. Exchanges of such a magnitude helped the spread of the Chinese culture to the rest of the world and the introduction into China of the cultures and products from other countries. In the early 15th century, Zheng He, the famous navigator of China's Ming Dynasty, made seven expeditions to the Western Seas, reaching many Southeast Asian countries and even Kenya on the east coast of Africa. These trips left behind many stories of friendly exchanges between the people of China and countries along the route. In late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, the Chinese people began to learn modern science and technology with great zeal, as the European knowledge of astronomy, medicine, mathematics, geometry and geography were being introduced into China, which helped broaden the horizon of the Chinese people. Thereafter, exchanges and mutual learning between the Chinese civilization and other civilizations became more frequent. There were indeed conflicts, frictions, bewilderment and denial in this process. But the more dominant features of the period were learning, digestion, integration and innovation.

佛 教產生於古代印度,但傳入中國後,經過長期演化,佛教同中國儒家文化和道家文化融合發展,最終形成了具有中國特色的佛教文化,給中國人的宗教信仰、哲學觀 念、文學藝術、禮儀習俗等留下了深刻影響。中國唐代玄奘西行取經,曆盡磨難,體現的是中國人學習域外文化的堅韌精神。根據他的故事演繹的神話小說《西遊 記》,我想大家都知道。中國人根據中華文化發展了佛教思想,形成了獨特的佛教理論,而且使佛教從中國傳播到了日本、韓國、東南亞等地。

Buddhism originated in ancient India. After it was introduced into China, the religion went through an extended period of integrated development with the indigenous Confucianism and Taoism and finally became the Buddhism with Chinese characteristics, thus making a deep impact on the religious belief, philosophy, literature, art, etiquette and customs of the Chinese people. Xuanzang (Hiuen Tsang), the Tang monk who endured untold sufferings as he went on a pilgrimage to the west for Buddhist scriptures, gave full expression to the determination and fortitude of the Chinese people to learn from other cultures. I am sure that you have all heard about the Chinese classics Journey to the West, which was written on the basis of his stories. The Chinese people have enriched Buddhism and developed some special Buddhist thoughts in the light of Chinese culture, and helped it to spread from China to Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and beyond.

2000 多年來,佛教、伊斯蘭教、基督教等先後傳入中國,中國音樂、繪畫、文學等也不斷吸納外來文明的優長。中國傳統畫法同西方油畫融合創新,形成了獨具魅力的中 國寫意油畫,徐悲鴻等大師的作品受到廣泛讚賞。中國的造紙術、火藥、印刷術、指南針四大發明帶動了世界變革,推動了歐洲文藝複興。中國哲學、文學、醫藥、 絲綢、瓷器、茶葉等傳入西方,滲入西方民眾日常生活之中。《馬可·波羅遊記》令無數人對中國心向往之。

In the course of some two thousand years and more, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity have been introduced into China successively, which allowed the country's music, painting and literature to benefit from the advantages of other civilizations. China's freehand oil painting is an innovative combination of China's traditional painting and the Western oil painting, and the works of Xu Beihong and other masters have been widely acclaimed. China's Four Great Inventions, namely, papermaking, gunpowder, movable-type printing and compass, led to changes in the world, including the European Renaissance. China's philosophy, literature, medicine, silk, porcelain and tea reached the West and became part of people's daily life. The Travels of Marco Polo generated a widespread interest in China.

大 家都知道,中國有秦俑,人們稱之為“地下的軍團”。法國總統希拉克參觀之後說:“不看金字塔,不算真正到過埃及。不看秦俑,不算真正到過中國。”1987 年,這一塵封了2000多年的中華文化珍品被列入世界文化遺產。中國還有大量文明成果被教科文組織列入世界文化遺產、世界非物質文化遺產、世界記憶遺產名 錄。這裏,我要對教科文組織為保存和傳播中華文明作出的貢獻,表示衷心的感謝!

Many people know about the terracotta warriors, "the buried legions of Emperor Qin". After his visit to the site, President Chirac of France said that a visit to Egypt will not be complete without seeing the pyramids, and that a visit to China will not be complete without seeing the terracotta warriors. In 1987, this national treasure of China, shrouded in secrecy for over two thousand years, was put on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list. There are many more proud Chinese achievements that have been included in the World Cultural Heritage list, the World Intangible Cultural Heritage list and the Memory of the World list. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to UNESCO for its contribution to the preservation and dissemination of the Chinese civilization.


Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,


Today, we live in a world with different cultures, ethnic groups, skin colors, religions and social systems, and the people of various countries have become members of an intimate community of shared destiny.

中 國人早就懂得了“和而不同”的道理。生活在2500年前的中國史學家左丘明在《左傳》中記錄了齊國上大夫晏子關於“和”的一段話:“和如羹焉,水、火、 醯、醢、鹽、梅,以烹魚肉。”“聲亦如味,一氣,二體,三類,四物,五聲,六律,七音,八風,九歌,以相成也。”“若以水濟水,誰能食之?若琴瑟之專壹, 誰能聽之?”

The Chinese have long come to appreciate the wisdom of "harmony without uniformity". Zuo Qiuming, a Chinese historian who lived 2,500 years ago, recorded in the Chronicle of Zuo the following comments by Yan Ying, Prime Minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period: "Harmony is like cooking the thick soup. You need water, fire, vinegar, meat sauce, salt and plum to go with the fish or meat." "It is the same when it comes to music. Only by combining the texture, length, pace, mood, tone, pitch and style rightly and executing them properly can you produce an excellent melody." "Who can eat the soup with nothing but water in it? What ear can tolerate the same tone played repeatedly on one instrument?"


There are 200-odd countries and regions, over 2,500 ethnic groups and a multitude of religions in the world today. We can hardly imagine if this world has only one lifestyle, one language, one kind of music and one style of costume.

雨 果說,世界上最寬闊的是海洋,比海洋更寬闊的是天空,比天空更寬闊的是人的胸懷。對待不同文明,我們需要比天空更寬闊的胸懷。文明如水,潤物無聲。我們應 該推動不同文明相互尊重、和諧共處,讓文明交流互鑒成為增進各國人民友誼的橋梁、推動人類社會進步的動力、維護世界和平的紐帶。我們應該從不同文明中尋求 智慧、汲取營養,為人們提供精神支撐和心靈慰藉,攜手解決人類共同麵臨的各種挑戰。

Victor Hugo once said, "There is a prospect greater than the sea, and it is the sky; there is a prospect greater than the sky, and it is the human soul." Indeed, we need a mind that is broader than the sky as we approach different civilizations. Civilizations are like water, moistening everything silently. We should encourage different civilizations to respect each other and live in harmony, so that exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations will become a bridge promoting friendship between people around the world, an engine driving progress of human society, and a bond cementing world peace. We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek spiritual support and psychological consolation from various civilizations, and work together to tackle the challenges facing mankind.

1987 年,在中國陝西的法門寺,地宮中出土了20件美輪美奐的琉璃器,這是唐代傳入中國的東羅馬和伊斯蘭的琉璃器。我在欣賞這些域外文物時,一直在思考一個問 題,就是對待不同文明,不能隻滿足於欣賞它們產生的精美物件,更應該去領略其中包含的人文精神;不能隻滿足於領略它們對以往人們生活的藝術表現,更應該讓 其中蘊藏的精神鮮活起來。

In 1987, 20 exquisite pieces of colored glaze were excavated at the underground chamber of Famen Temple in Shaanxi, China. These East Roman and Islamic relics were brought into China during the Tang Dynasty. Marveling at these exotic relics, I thought hard and concluded that as we approach the world's different civilizations, we should not limit ourselves to just admiring the exquisiteness of the objects involved. Rather, we should try to learn and appreciate the cultural significance behind them. Instead of only satisfying ourselves with their artistic presentation of people's life in the past, we should do our best to breathe new life into their inherent spirit.


Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,

拿 破侖曾經說過,世上有兩種力量:利劍和思想;從長而論,利劍總是敗在思想手下。我們要積極發展教育事業,通過普及教育,啟迪心智,傳承知識,陶冶情操,使 人們在持續的格物致知中更好認識各種文明的價值,讓教育為文明傳承和創造服務。我們要大力發展科技事業,通過科技進步和創新,認識自我,認識世界,改造社 會,使人們在持續的天工開物中更好掌握科技知識和技能,讓科技為人類造福。我們要大力推動文化事業發展,通過文化交流,溝通心靈,開闊眼界,增進共識,讓 人們在持續的以文化人中提升素養,讓文化為人類進步助力。

Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." We should develop education more actively. Education can open people's mind, impart knowledge, and cultivate temperament. The continued process of learning will enable our people to better appreciate the value of different civilizations. In this sense, education is an effective vehicle for the continuation and creation of civilizations. We should develop science and technology more vigorously. Scientific advancement and innovation can help people understand themselves and the world and be in a stronger position to change their society for the better. The continued process of exploiting nature will enable our people to master still more knowledge and skills. In this sense, science and technology are a powerful tool to make the world a better place for mankind. We should promote cultural undertakings more energetically. Cultural exchanges can help open our hearts to each other, broaden our horizon and build greater consensus among us. The continued process of cultivating people morally and intellectually will result in a higher standard of humanity. In this sense, culture is a big booster for human progress.


Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,


The Chinese people are striving to fulfill the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation is about prosperity of the country, rejuvenation of the nation, and happiness of the people. It reflects the ideal of the Chinese people of today as well as the fine tradition of relentlessly seeking progress that we have had since ancient times.

實 現中國夢,是物質文明和精神文明均衡發展、相互促進的結果。沒有文明的繼承和發展,沒有文化的弘揚和繁榮,就沒有中國夢的實現。中華民族的先人們早就向往 人們的物質生活充實無憂、道德境界充分升華的大同世界。中華文明曆來把人的精神生活納入人生和社會理想之中。所以,實現中國夢,是物質文明和精神文明比翼 雙飛的發展過程。隨著中國經濟社會不斷發展,中華文明也必將順應時代發展煥發出更加蓬勃的生命力。

The Chinese dream requires balanced development and mutual reinforcement of material and cultural progress. Without the continuation and development of civilization or the promotion and prosperity of culture, the Chinese dream will not come true. Forefathers of the Chinese nation long yearned for a world of great harmony in which people are free from want and follow a high moral standard. In the Chinese civilization, people's cultural pursuit has always been part of their life and social ideals. So the realization of the Chinese dream is a process of both material and cultural development. As China continues to make economic and social progress, the Chinese civilization will keep pace with the times and acquire greater vitality.

每 一種文明都延續著一個國家和民族的精神血脈,既需要薪火相傳、代代守護,更需要與時俱進、勇於創新。中國人民在實現中國夢的進程中,將按照時代的新進步, 推動中華文明創造性轉化和創新性發展,激活其生命力,把跨越時空、超越國度、富有永恒魅力、具有當代價值的文化精神弘揚起來,讓收藏在博物館裏的文物、陳 列在廣闊大地上的遺產、書寫在古籍裏的文字都活起來,讓中華文明同世界各國人民創造的豐富多彩的文明一道,為人類提供正確的精神指引和強大的精神動力。

A civilization carries on its back the soul of a country or nation. It needs to be passed on from one generation to the next. Yet more importantly, it needs to keep pace with the times and innovate with courage. As we pursue the Chinese dream, the Chinese people will encourage creative shifts and innovative development of the Chinese civilization in keeping with the progress of the times. We need to inject new vitality into the Chinese civilization by energizing all cultural elements that transcend time, space and national borders and that possess both perpetual appeal and current value, and we need to bring all collections in our museums, all heritage structures across our lands and all records in our classics to life. In this way, the Chinese civilization, together with the rich and colorful civilizations created by the people of other countries, will provide mankind with the right cultural guidance and strong motivation.


Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,



As an old Chinese poem goes, "When I glance at the visage of vernal breeze, I know that a thousand flowers of purple and red set spring aglow." UNESCO will mark its 70th anniversary next year. I am confident that under the stewardship of Director-General Bokova, the organization will make still more achievements in its efforts to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and advance the cause of peace in the world.

Thank you.


(中國日報網英語點津 Helen 編輯)


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