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幾句英語的學習 (11-13-15)
每當午餐過後,隻要有一點點的時間,自己都會讀點書。或者記幾個單詞。比較好的句子自己就會寫下來,在沒事的時候就會學一點。盡管象蝸牛一樣在原地打轉,但是隻要堅持不懈,久而久之,還始會學到一點東西。 “千裏之行,始於足下”,“學似逆水行舟,不進則退。”
“ A cicaca sitting high in a tree. It chirps and drinks in dew, to the praying mantis behind it. The mantis arches up its front leg to stab the cicada, but it doesn't know an oriole perches behind it. The bird stretches out its neck to snap up the mantis for a midday meal, but it's unware of the boy who's come into the garden with a net. Three creatures--the cicada, the mantis, and the oriole--all coveted gains without being aware of the greater and inescapable danger that was coming..."
cicada: n.蟬 mantis: n.螳螂 oriole: n. 黃鸝 perch : n. 鳥類的棲息處 oblivious: adj.未覺察 midday: n. 正午 covet: v,貪求
一次在一篇文章裏讀到了這個片斷,說的是一個很有名的成語:“螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後”。。。 |