
沒有最好 隻有更好

Job Cuts Surge 68%, Most In 3 Years; Worst October Since 2009

(2014-11-06 12:25:50) 下一個
但現在政府的失業率顯示最低? 高薪工作跑了代而取之的是些底薪散工,拿不到失業的不算在內。
But everything is under control, 馬照跑舞照跳股市在選舉前照漲。 這就是扶強除弱的美國股市。 It works!

Maybe this explains the election results? Challenger reports US companies laid off over 51,000 people in October, the most since May (and 2nd most since Feb 2013). This is a 68% surge MoM (and 11.9% rise YoY) - the biggest monthly rise since September 2011. Retail, Computer, and Pharma industries saw the biggest layoffs. Hiring also collapsed from the record 567,705 exuberance in September to just 147,935 in October. This was the worst October for layoffs since 2009.

Worst rise in layoffs in 3 years...


and worst October since 2009...


Chart: Bloomberg

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