
blossom-end rot 番茄爛底病防治

(2015-06-19 20:16:12) 下一個

Awater-soaked spot at the blossom end of tomato fruits is the classic symptom of blossom-end rot. This relatively common garden problem is not a disease, but rather a physiological disorder caused by a calcium imbalance within the plant. It can occur in pepper, squash, cucumber, and melon fruits as well as tomatoes. 這不是一種病,更應該是由鈣不平衡引起的症狀。也可發生在青椒辣椒,西葫蘆,黃瓜和甜瓜。

Blossom-end rot is most common when the growing season starts out wet and then becomes dry when fruit is setting. Damage first appears when fruits are approximately half their full size. The water-soaked areas enlarge and turn dark brown and leathery. These areas will eventually begin to rot, so the fruit should be picked and discarded. 受損果實應摘下丟棄。

Several factors can limit a plant’s ability to absorb enough calcium for proper development. These include: fluctuations in soil moisture (too wet or too dry), an excess of nitrogen in the soil, root damage due to cultivation, soil pH that’s either too high or too low, cold soil and soil high in salts。以下措施可提高鈣攝取:

  • Maintain consistent levels of moisture in the soil throughout the growing season. When the weather is dry, water thoroughly once or twice each week to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. 在生長季節保持適當土壤濕度
  • In cold climates, allow soil to warm before planting; cold soils limit nutrient uptake. 當土壤溫度提高後才定植,否則會影響營養攝取
  • Maintain soil pH at or near 6.5. 保持PH在6.5左右,可以通過補充石灰,ground limestone
  • Use fertilizers that are low in nitrogen and high in phosphorous, 所用肥料應該含氮低,含磷高
  • Apply mulch to minimize evaporation and help maintain consistent soil moisture. 適當覆蓋土壤,減少蒸發,提高濕度
  • Keep garden records: You may discover that some crop varieties are more susceptible to blossom-end rot than others 選擇抗病品種

Blossom-end rot

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