Go Cardinal

Once a cardinal, alway a cardinal

10 TWEETS FROM Twitter

(2015-10-03 20:56:48) 下一個

Raindrops leave little pieces of the sky on the ground. (Ten word story)


You only know a part of me. I am a universe full of secrets. (Life)


Before you "assume", try this method called "ask". (Words power)


Reality is the absolute last place I want to be. (Ten word story)


"if you think I forgot you:   sorry, you're wrong." (Ten word story)


Do you know why frequency cannot love any more?

cause it still hertz. (Puns).


If you are always worried about what others think of you, you will never be happy.


She was a walking contradiction, of humility and boasts. Reality braided with fiction, made of sunshine and ghosts. ( A quote pics)


You know, I think one of the worst feelings is finding out that you didn't mean as much to someone as you thought you did, and you just feel stupid, because you looked desperate, about caring too much. (Life)


Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world. (Life)


I don't care how we met, I'm just happy we did. (Feelings)


--- Last but not least: --- Go Cardinal. Go vegetarian. 

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