  • 博客訪問:

z t芝麻湯圓&鮮肉湯圓(湯圓不破皮的秘密)

(2016-03-05 21:52:47) 下一個









糯米粉 1杯約250ml( Glutinous rice flour 1 cup about 250ml)

水1/2杯(1/2 cup water)


烤熟花生1/4杯(1/4 cup roasted peanuts)

烤熟黑芝麻 1/2杯(Fried black sesame seeds 1/2 cup)

糖3湯匙(3 tbsp sugar)

固態豬油1.5湯匙(Lard 1.5 tbsp)

鹽1/8茶匙(1/8 tsp salt)


豬肉糜100克(100 g minced pork)

普通醬油 1湯匙(1 tbsp soy sauce)

老抽1/2湯匙(1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce)

糖2/3湯匙(2/3 tbsp sugar)

雞湯2湯匙(2 tbsp chicken broth)

今天我要和大家分享 我做湯圓的一些小秘訣,如果你是初學者 一定會有幫助。


1、先做芝麻餡料,把 烤熟黑芝麻 1/2杯(Fried black sesame seeds 1/2 cup)、烤熟花生1/4杯(1/4 cup roasted peanuts) 放到果汁機裏 打成粉末,記住芝麻和花生要放涼 打粉底時候才不會粘在一起。

2、然後放到碗裏,和糖3湯匙、固態豬油1.5湯匙、鹽1/8茶匙攪拌在一起,這裏的豬油要固態的 不要融化的,之後把它們拌勻 成團。然後分成16個小球,放入冰箱速凍,大約需要1個小時。這個過程動作要快,不然手的溫度會讓豬油完全融化 不好成型。

3、同時,我們開始做湯圓的皮,把 糯米粉 1杯約250ml放在碗裏,加入水1/2杯

攪拌成團,這個糯米團應該是不粘手而且比較幹的,可酌情增加粉或水,然後從中取出大約8--10克的糯米團,放到滾水鍋裏煮至浮起來,再把它放回到碗裏和生的糯米團揉在一起,揉勻,這時你會發現糯米團會變得非常柔軟 而且帶有粘性,這樣包出的湯圓就不會破裂,而且很容易操作。但這個熟的糯米團不能太多,否則會導致整個糯米團太軟。



6、把每一份糯米團 搓成圓球,用拇指旋出一個洞,再捏成一個有深度的小盞,把餡料填入,封口包好後搓成圓球,放在板上,記得撒一些粉在板上,以免粘住。

7、現在可以煮湯圓了,把鍋裏的水燒開後(一定要讓水燒至翻滾冒泡,不然湯圓容易黏在鍋底),放入湯圓,然後轉中火,煮至湯圓完全浮起,再煮1分鍾即可。注意火力不能太大 否則湯圓容易爆裂。另外吃湯圓的時候一定要注意 這時的餡料是很燙的哦。


9、餡料做好後,如果你是初學者,建議把肉餡也分成16份 放入冰箱速凍,包起來就會容易很多。





Today we will be making sweet glutinous rice dumpling balls. It is known as Tang Yuan in Chinese and is the must have dish on every Chinese lantern festival. Leave a comment in our facebook page if you know why these are eaten on the Chinese lantern festival and we will be selecting the winning answer for a shout out in the next video. 

Okay moving on to the recipe, today we will be making two different fillings and I will be demonstrating the unique wrapping technique used for this dessert. 


First we will be making the sesame seed filling.

Toast 1/2 cup of black sesame seeds and 1/4 cup of peanuts. let them cool then pulse them in a blender until they are powder like. make sure they are chilled before blending so they don't stick together 

Place the powder in a bowl and add in糖3湯匙(3 tbsp sugar)固態豬油1.5湯匙(Lard 1.5 tbsp)鹽1/8茶匙(1/8 tsp salt). use solid lard here. mix well and divide the filling to 16 balls and let them freeze for an hour in the freezer. in order to keep the balls nicely shaped, do this step as quick as possible so the lard don't melt 

Now we will make the the dough by mixing 1 cup glutinous rice flour, which is about 250ml with 1/2 cup of water in a bowl

mix into dough form. it should be a rather dry texture that doesn't stick to your hand when kneading. adjust slightly by adding in more water or powder. remove about 8-10 grams of the dough and cook them in a pot of boiled water until they float up. now mix the cooked dough with the raw dough. this is the trick to getting the perfectly soft and doughy wrap. this will make sure the fillings don't leak when cooking. careful not to add too much of the cooked dough, or it be too soft to manage.

Knead the dough once again and divide it in to 16 equal pieces cover them with a wet paper towel to keep it moist 

Remove the frozen sesame filling form the freezer, they should be solid hard at this point

Roll each of the dough pieces into a round ball and make a deep indentation with your thumb and with a swirling pulling motion, create a mini well. add in the filling and gently pull the remaining dough upwards to fully wrap it around. round it off with a final roll and place them on a floured surface

Cook these delicious sweet dumpling balls. let the water come to a strong boil first before putting them in to prevent them from sticking. turn the heat down to medium and cook until they float to the surface, cook for another 1 minute and it's ready! it's important to not cook them with high heat to prevent the filling from leaking. and we are finished!

These sweet rice balls are super delicious but be careful not to burn yourself because the filling is extremely hot when they first come out. 

Here's is another one of my favorite filling using fresh ground meat. mix the ingredients shown on the screen together in a bowl in one direction, stir until all the chicken broth is fully absorbed into the meat. you will see the meat gaining a bit of stickiness when it's ready. this dish taste the best when you season strongly so try to stick with the seasoning listed. 

Now the filling is done, once again separate it into 16 parts and freeze to make the wrapping process easier. you can wrap it the way it is if you are experienced. 

As with before wrap the filling into the same dough. when cooking, cook for an additional 3 minutes than the sweet version and another extra 2 minutes if you choose to freeze the filling.




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