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HYGO: 拜登萬聖節摸摸親親跳舞,夫人紫色假發童話 10/31/2022

(2022-10-31 22:19:20) 下一個

HYGO: 拜登萬聖節摸摸親親跳舞,夫人紫色假發童話


Biden Halloween: Joe danced, Jill in her fairy costume and purple wig 10/31/2022

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2022 年 10 月 31 日,喬和吉爾·拜登在白宮接待了當地消防員、護士和警察的孩子,慶祝萬聖節。當孩子們向他要糖果時,拜登還跳了一小段舞。吉爾博士穿著她的仙女裝和紫色假發,看起來很俗氣(和往常一樣)。


盡管周一下雨,但預計將有大約 5,000 名賓客——兒童和他們的成人伴侶——參加此次活動,拜登和他的妻子在活動中分發禮物,作為今年“總統和第一夫人附近的不給糖就搗蛋”活動的一部分。


在過去的幾年裏,孩子們收到了小盒總統 M&M 巧克力豆或白宮烤餅幹。米歇爾奧巴馬添加幹果是為了幫助孩子們吃更多有益健康的食物。

自 20 世紀中葉以來,白宮一直在慶祝萬聖節。 1958 年,瑪米·艾森豪威爾第一次為萬聖節裝飾了白宮。在那屆政府期間出現了橢圓形辦公室裏穿著盛裝的孩子的照片——約翰·肯尼迪總統的孩子卡羅琳和小約翰。

On 10/31/2022, Joe and Jill Biden hosted local children of firefighters, nurses and police officers at the White House for a Halloween celebration. Biden also did a little dance as children asked him for candy. Dr. Jill looked tacky (as usual) in her fairy costume and purple wig.

It was the Bidens' first time welcoming trick-or-treaters as president and first lady. They were in Europe for Halloween last year, their first in the White House. They had the Pennsylvania Avenue side of the executive mansion lit up in orange for the spooky holiday.

Despite rainfall Monday, some 5,000 guests — children and their adult chaperones — were expected to stream through the event, where Biden and his wife handed out treats as part of this year's “Trick-or-Treating in the President and First Lady’s Neighborhood."

The president wore a navy raincoat and baseball cap; the first lady was dressed in butterfly wings and a purple wig. The treats, which included chocolate kisses and candy bars, were provided by the National Confectioners Association.

In past years, children have received little boxes of presidential M&Ms or White House-baked cookies. Michelle Obama added dried fruit in her quest to help children eat more good-for-you foods.

Halloween has been celebrated at the White House since the mid-20th century. Mamie Eisenhower decorated the White House for Halloween for the first time in 1958. Photographs of costumed children in the Oval Office — President John F. Kennedy's kids Caroline and John Jr. — emerged during that administration.

Biden Halloween: Joe danced, Jill  in her fairy costume and purple wig

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