

搖滾Cover MMO坑蒙拐騙記【Call you quick】2010 版,歡迎來懟~~

(2020-08-01 04:46:36) 下一個

    沒參加前期的民謠跟搖滾活動,除了最近沒錄歌,的確是有點犯懶。還有就是感覺相關的歌曲相對比例的確是不夠多,有些歌跨界實在是有點兒遠,該有的唱法還是有講究的。我還是覺得唱歌是需要時間,門檻跟用心的,真的不希望唱壇變成KTV大廳,肯定不是發得越多越好,one take也不是每個人都適合,隻是自己爽的話。。。。。。當然,聽歌很主觀,但是努力不努力,一聽便知。還有就是跟風太容易了,讓人想珍惜都難,撞歌如撞衫,其實不好玩兒。真心話,該挑戰挑戰,但是紮堆就沒意思了。

    【Call you quick】 這首歌2010年錄的時候嗓子還是過敏,真的如歌詞說,I was so sick......所以各種走音,氣息不暢。歡迎有仇有怨的來懟,絕不回嘴,也不要MP,純分享。另外,回帖慢了也請諒解,苦命的IT夜班人要補覺~~

    話說2010年前後,有兩版"We Are The World"翻唱先後出土,唱壇的一版我沒參加,留園的趕上了。一開始沒有好伴奏,就到處找其他版本。找來找去找到了這版"We Are The World 25 For Haiti",頗有些驚豔,裏麵有好多我現在還很喜歡聽的歌手。


    繼續翻我就翻到了這版Denver郊區地下室的“We Are The World 25 For Haiti - 2010 Remake - Michael Jackson (acoustic cover) - Tyler Ward and Crew”,又接地氣又有實力:

    從這裏我認識了(或者說知道了)當時一堆翻唱up主(比如Jason Chen,Janice Yan(閻奕格),AHMIR,Boyce Avenue,Julia Sheer,Kina Grannis,Megan Nicole,等等等等等...),當然首先我喜歡聽的是Tyler Ward,他的翻唱有很多特別對我的胃口。比如Katy Perry的Teenage Dream, 我就是用他的吉他cover做了伴奏消音翻唱的。當時youtube翻唱簡直是個phenomenon,動輒幾千萬的點擊,嚇煞人。
    再後來我聽到Tylor這首Acoustic version的“Call you quick”原創歌曲時,我被他們整首歌的感覺觸動到,於是開始挖空心思找歌跟伴奏。當時youtube還有一版Studio version的視頻,可惜現在已經看不到了。
    可是這正經伴奏哪有那麽好找的。於是我第一步跟Tyler本人套近乎,加subscrition,然後發私信,等啊等,等啊等,還主動offer自己cover的SavageGarden的【Truly Madly Deeply】翻唱去誘惑他。好久好久。。。都沒消息。。。
    我注意到他老媽Susan有自己到Channel,千穿萬穿,MP不穿,好吧,我就試試曲線救國,先subscribe Susan,惡補了她發的視頻,然後私信MP一番阿姨的鋼琴才華(說實話,人家的確很厲害),來回好幾個回合,終於舔著臉問能不能幫我問問她兒子要伴奏。。。人家非常客氣,當然,結果還是沒下文。。。我當時都有畫麵了,估計他兒子大概是這麽說的:mom, just ignore it, let that loser be ...... (唉,我太不地道了。。。)
    被人鄙視的感覺雖然不好,不過我臉皮厚,不怕。首先找到他的studio version視頻下載,分離出原唱,然後做了一版當時唯一會的mono music minus one消音伴奏,現在聽聽好土。而且這首歌歌詞很密,真心練了好久。接著反複調試,修改後期,比如把第一段改成T-Pain音效。聽得出來,唱的時候嗓子都啞了,不過很爽。這歌雖然不是硬搖,Acoustic Rock也算:)
    10年這首歌在留園發了。後來學到Adobe Audition 1.5 可以保留stereo消音,趕緊重新弄消音伴奏,出第四版。人家的原唱好貼心,除了主音vocal,幾乎所有track都不在central chanel,做消音最合適了。於是才有了這版final cover。。。我太難了。。。
    Enjoy Rock and Roll! 謝謝居然能看到這裏~~

Call you quick Studio version 2010 Cover

Written by Tylor Ward

Cover by DHSH


Call you quick
But you never really catch me
Who's the trick that is sucking down my pride
You're alone
So baby don't you call me
Ring, ring, ring
Wasting all my time

Right now, a fire inside her room
She's deliciously keeping the time with her moves
And, this is something new
And I'm a just fooling for you
I like the way that you pay your dues
You're willingly dropping a bomb on a fool
So, it's time for revolution

Our emotions fly like flowers in June
Could it be you?

Call you quick
But you never really catch me
Who's the trick that is sucking down my pride
You're alone
So baby don't you call me
Ring, ring, ring
Wasting all my time

She feels comfortably in the mood
And the devil is throwing a party with you
She stands a five foot two
And her eyes are blue
Aren't you ready to start the groove
I'm falling and loving and I'm coming with you
So it's time for my explosion

Our emotions fly like flowers in June
Could it be you?

Call you quick
But you never really catch me
Who's the trick that is sucking down my pride
You're alone
So baby don't you call me
Ring, ring, ring
Wasting all my time (x2)

Just a shell
I guess you never face me
Hurts like hell
Stepping on my pride
Cause I'm so sick of this

Call you quick
But you never really catch me
Who's the trick that is sucking down my pride
You're alone
So baby don't you call me
I am so ~~ SICK!

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