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HARRISBURG, Pa. Cheap Jerseys China . -- Jerry Sandusky again asked a judge to throw out the child sexual abuse charges against him on Wednesday, arguing that some counts are too vague to defend and others involve alleged victims whose identities have not been determined. The former Penn State assistant football coachs trial is scheduled to get under way in less than three weeks, although the judge has not ruled on a separate motion from Sandusky asking for a delay. In the filing, defence attorney Joe Amendola attacked the charges related to a person described in court records as Victim 2. The boys encounter with Sandusky in a Penn State locker room a decade ago, and school officials response to it, ultimately led to the departure of longtime football coach Joe Paterno. Amendola wrote that the charges related to Victim 2 cannot be sustained based on the testimony of Mike McQueary, an assistant football coach who has said he saw Sandusky rape the boy in a team shower. McQuearys testimony at a preliminary hearing in December for two Penn State administrators accused of lying to a grand jury and failing to properly report suspected abuse "did not establish sufficient evidence to support these charges being submitted to the jury," Amendola wrote. The date of that encounter had been listed in court records as March 2002 until last week, when the attorney generals office amended it to February 2001. Amendola also argued that that prosecutors will not be able to show there was any sexual contact with a boy labeled Victim 6. The boy showered with Sandusky in 1998, authorities said, prompting a complaint by his mother to university police that produced an investigation but no charges. Amendola told Judge John Cleland that he does not expect prosecutors to be able to "establish that any sexual contact took place" between Sandusky and Victim 6, "and the commonwealth will not be able to establish any criminal intent." As for so-called Victim 8, reportedly seen in 2000 by Penn State janitor Jim Calhoun being molested by Sandusky, Calhoun suffers from dementia and is not able to testify, according to a report by the grand jury that investigated Sandusky. Amendola argued that will require Calhouns co-workers to testify about what Calhoun told them, which would amount to hearsay that is not allowed as evidence. Sandusky, 68, faces 52 criminal counts for alleged abuse of 10 boys over 15 years, allegations he has repeatedly denied. A spokesman for the attorney generals office declined to comment on the new filing. Cleland on April 12 dismissed a previous effort by the defence to have the case thrown out, but left the door open for Sanduskys lawyers to re-file. It was not immediately clear how soon the judge might rule on the new motions. Cleland could have prosecutors file a written response, and schedule oral argument before deciding the matters. Also pending before Cleland is a request made last week by Amendola to delay the start of trial, which is currently scheduled to begin in Bellefonte with jury selection on June 5. Jerseys Cheap . Down 2-0 in the series, the Kings host Game 3 against a Sharks team that simply dominated them in the first two meetings of the best-of-seven series at SAP Center. Los Angeles trailed 5-0 en route to a 6-3 loss in Game 1. Cheap Jerseys Authentic . They presumably didnt want to make a mess of the court where he was essentially a coach between the lines for the Mavericks when they won the franchises only title in 2011. BOSTON -- A playoff hockey classic was shoved to the backburner Friday as Canadiens and Bruins players and coaches found themselves addressing the ugly issue of racism. Montreal defenceman P.K. Subban, who is black, was targeted for racial abuse on social media in the wake of his winning goal in Thursdays thrilling 4-3 double-overtime playoff win over Boston. "Im shocked," Montreal coach Michel Therrien told reporters Friday. "Honestly Im shocked to hear those type of comments." "No one deserves to be treated like this," he added. "And P.K. has all our support." Many comments with racist and derogatory terms were posted on Twitter and other social media websites after the victory. The 24-year-old Subban, a slick-skating defenceman who is one of the NHLs most exciting players, scored twice as Montreal won the opener of the best-of-seven second-round series. Subban was not made available by the Canadiens, who had a closed gym session instead of a practice Friday thanks to the tight turnaround between Thursdays extended Game 1 and the afternoon start for Game 2 Saturday. Montreal brought out four players, all of whom decried the abuse of their teammate. "I just think its unacceptable," said defenceman Mike Weaver. "Its just classless." Forward David Desharnais echoed his coach. "Nobody deserves to be treated like that. It has nothing to do with sports or anything," he said. Weaver, like the other Habs players who met the media, blamed the ugliness on "a few individuals." Boston was quick to denounce those responsible. "The racist, classless views expressed by an ignorant group of individuals following Thursdays game via digital media are in no way a reflection of anyone associated with the Bruins organization," team president Cam Neely said in a statement. Boston coach Claude Julien also spoke out against those behind the abuse. "Its just poor judgment, poor taste, and we dont associate ourselves with people like that, and people who think that way are not what we call our fans," he told reporters at the Bruins practice facility. "They may think they are, but we certainly dont support that at all. "Its a shame that this is still going around in this day and age, and that people are still thinking that way." In a week that saw a Spanish soccer fan throw a banana at Barcelona defender Dani Alves, the torrent of abuse aimed at Subban was a painful reminder that hate knows no boundaries. "Youd like to think that it wouldnt happen but it does," said Montreal forward Brendan Gallagher. "Its still part of the life and part of the world ... I think it is getting better. I think its a very small group of people. It doesnt represent the National Hockey League in any way. We have great fans." Said Julien: "Theres a lot of good fans out there, and thats the sad part about it is that, you know, your good fans get tarnished because of comments like that from people who dont belong in that ssame group. Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping. " The abuse was an embarrassment on several levels for the Bruins, who drafted Subbans younger brother Malcolm. Asked if the Boston organization plans to reach out to the younger Subban, a goalie, Julien replied: "I think were reaching out to everybody in that situation. You know, weve got Jarome Iginla on our team. Lets be realistic here about this. Its something we dont support." Gallagher said P.K. Subban was professional in handling the abuse. "He understands the best way to handle it is just ignore it," he said. "And understand that their opinions dont really mean anything." "He shakes it off pretty good," added Desharnais. Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre called the remarks "unfortunate", saying he would not defend the undefendable. "We will answer back with the goals that we score," Coderre told reporters Friday at Montreal city hall. The mayor also had a few words for Boston fans, saying there are some who will try to destabilize the Habs. "They will try with all kinds of insults, (both) acceptable and unacceptable, but we wont fall into their trap," Coderre said. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said in a statement that the offensive tweets were "a disgrace." "These racist comments are not reflective of Boston, and are not reflective of Bruins fans. Ive said before that the best hockey in the world happens when the Bruins and Canadiens play each other, and there is no room for this kind of ignorance here." The racial abuse wasnt the only fan misbehaviour on the night. Some in the building reacted to the overtime loss by throwing drinks and garbage at the Canadiens as they left the ice. "Its Boston, its the rivalry. They dont like (it) when were winning, I guess," said Desharnais. "Thats just Boston." "We come here, we dont expect to be cuddled," he added. Therrien, who is one of the first off the bench, said he had not noticed the cascade of garbage. As to how the rest of the Habs reacted, Desharnais said: "We just got off the ice pretty quick." Subban, meanwhile, restricted his Twittter activity Friday to a tweet directing followers to check out a link to one of his sponsors. But he addressed the issue of racism in a 2012 interview on "George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight." "Ive been playing hockey since I was two-and-a-half, three years old. And theres been a number of those incidents. And theyre just stupid people really, to be honest with you," he said. "Hockeys filled with great people, and its a great sport, and I encourage a lot of people to play it because of the relationships that you make in hockey. Those are the things that Id rather talk about than all those other things, because theyre just ignorant people." When Stroumboulopoulos cited fans throwing bananas at black soccer players, Subban said "Id probably just pick it up and eat it." Which is exactly what Alves did this week, to worldwide acclaim. wholesale stitched jerseys wholesale jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys cheap nfl jerseys cheap nfl jerseys china ' ' '

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