Lily decides to go back to her home town for a weekend, but is forced to stay after an unexpected level-eight typhoon called "Mountain Spirit" hits the town. Afterwards she meets an old schoolmate, and together they roam the area, breathing new life into the town. As they venture into a mangrove forest, mysterious events take place and a dark secret is revealed. Director Zhou Yan delivers a haunting story in The Rivers of Babylon, filled with powerful images - from the mundane, like a down-on-its-luck town, to the surreal underwater images where reality meets fantasy \r\n. \r\n作為中國最大的微電影發行方“盛大影視華影盛視”攜手國內青年優秀導演周燕,由金牌製作團隊共同打造的高質量高水準的華語短片作品《巴比倫少年》,可謂在今年第63屆柏林電影節上一展風采,同時該片也在柏林電影節上全球首映,獲得德國影評人的高度肯定。 \r\n \r\n \r\n