美意留學 AmerJoy Group

專精美國小學、中學留學申?請 -- 給我們可愛的孩子一個更好的成長和教育環境

父母陪讀簽證的問題 (美國)

(2014-06-10 10:43:33) 下一個
        如果父母希望陪讀,但是沒有綠卡或其他長期簽證可以在美國長期居住(如 L, H, J, F等簽證),可用B2身份陪讀,6個月到期之後或者出境再進來又6個月,或者家人輪流,或者在美國境內申請延期,我們可以幫您聯係學校出具在讀證明,以陪讀理由做B2申請或要求延期。下邊英文是引美國國務院2012年2月給美國駐各國大使館發出的指導文件, 在26頁上詳細的寫出了B2簽證範圍開始包括陪同持F-1簽證的年幼學生的家長的內容, B2不隻是旅遊和商務而已。 長遠角度考慮,如果在讀一年孩子和家長對美國都比較適應喜歡,以我們以往所辦的經驗,學生家長都會開始轉換其他長期簽證身份或申請綠卡等等(美國移民政策時常變化,最新詳情請谘詢移民律師)。

  • On February 9, 2012, the U.S. State Department issued guidelines for its officers stationed at U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/87206.pdf . On page 26, it says:
    The B-2 classification is appropriate for aliens who are members of the household of another alien in long-term nonimmigrant status, but who are not eligible for derivative status under that alien's visa classification. This is also an appropriate classification for aliens who are members of the household of a U.S. citizen who normally lives and works overseas, but is returning to the United States for a temporary time period. Such aliens include, but are not limited to the following...accompanying parent(s) of minor F-1 child-student.


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