
Dr. M

(2014-05-11 09:18:40) 下一個
Dr. M is the chief of Nephrology. He has such a calming personality that when you talk to him, it feels like soothing your soul. He is such a nice physician that he invites the patients to his office, I mean, not the clinic to help them if they can not make an appointment on time in the clinic.

He is one of the thinkers I met in my life, compare to Dr. C, totally different style. Dr. C is aggressive, sharp, total lawyer style, but Dr. M is calm, firm, slow, and make you very comfortable. I was on call with him one long weekend, he came in everyday, and we rounded on every single patient, for consulting service, if it is not urgent, we do not have to round on them daily, but he insist to do so. Both Dr. M and Dr. C have in common is they explain things to you in a very systematic and thorough way that you understand what you are doing. I like the logical thinking.

He is like a nurturing father, I never heard him scold anyone, he pays attention the small details that you do, and appraise you. I never got that from Dr. C, no matter how much you try, it is never perfect for Dr. C.

Dr. M is a vegan and almost a farmer, during the weekend, besides attending the church function, the rest time he and his wife are working on gardens in their backyard. One time he told me he planted corns in his backyard, and that is sweetest and best corn he ever had, he got over 200 ears of corn, he and his wife procured and froze them in one weekend.

He bikes everyday from home to work, about 20mils one way. He lives up on the mountains, so he bikes in and his wife will pick him up after work. I asked him what if it rains, he said the rain will not stop him. Dr. C is the same way, but he lives much closer. All these physicians are so disciplined and nothing can change their way of living.

I am so grateful to meet these intelligent people in my life. Life is interesting, isn't it? You loose something, but you will get something else.
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