Yan Jun Xu, BM, MM, PhD


Dr. Xu Yanjun, may be the first person to propose the idea of ?

(2021-05-15 07:54:13) 下一個

Dr. Xu Yanjun, may be the first person  to propose the idea of ??nasal immunity for the new crown pneumonia virus COVID-19  (the information is used  for discussion only with medical professionals)

     -Qi Que


The nasal immunization method of the new crown pneumonia virus has achieved good results in animal experiments in several countries. The United Kingdom may plan to carry out human nasal immunization experiments. Who is the earliest, public, and well-documented person who proposed this experiment? On April 7th and 14th, 2020, Yanjun Xu, a PhD in pharmacology, published two ideas for nasal cavity experiments on the WeChat public account of "Overseas Travellers Micro Life". And in English, these two ideas were sent to WHO, NIH, Health Canada, and .... The original text is as follows:


Dr. Xu Yanjun's views on the new crown pneumonia virus

Xu Yanjun Micro Life of Overseas Travellers 2020-04-07


I. Discussion on simple immunization methods for new coronary pneumonia virus or other unknown respiratory viruses-This article is only for communication and discussion among scientific researchers, and it is prohibited to try.


Dr. Xu Yanjun


At present, there is no specific drug treatment and vaccine prevention for the new crown pneumonia virus. It takes at least 6 months for the vaccine to be used clinically. To this end, referring to the ancient Chinese method of immunity to smallpox, a simple and practical method is designed for prevention and immunity.


Detect the content of inactivated virus in the liquid, put a few drops of liquid into the nasal cavity of normal people, and then test the human antibody after three consecutive days of nasal drip. If there are antibodies, the immunization will be successful. 


If the virus is inactivated, it cannot produce immunity. Consider using attenuated (reduced to the pathogenicity of the virus) virus. There are many ways to deactivate, such as controlling the temperature and time of disinfection or chemical treatment. All these require scientific experiments to find a simple and reliable method.

However, the effects and side effects of this method are still unknown, so don't try it yourself.


COVID19 Respiratory Virus Immunization Cabin Design

Xu Yanjun Micro Life of Overseas Travellers 2020-04-14


Immunization cabin: Exploration of immunization methods against the new crown pneumonia virus (COVID-19) or other unknown respiratory viruses-this article is only used for exchanges and discussions between scientific researchers, and trials are prohibited.


Dr Xu Yanjun

If we can draw a curve of the relationship between the number of viruses in the air and the pathogenicity, and find out how many viruses are infected that will not cause disease, but have developed immunity, we can control the number of viruses in the air to achieve immunity. The purpose of this is to reduce the risk of disease and outbreak. For example, through scientific experiments, it is concluded that inhaling 10 viruses is a safe dose, and a specific device is used to control the viruses in the air within this range, so that people can be infected with less than 10 viruses. Neither disease, but also immunity. Or use inhaled attenuated viruses that are not enough to cause disease.


The author assumes no responsibility for whether the contents in the articles are correct, whether the methods are harmful, or for other possibilities. The content in this article is only for discussion with medical researchers. Do not try to avoid danger.

(Translate by Google)


徐彥君博士,可能是地球上最早提出新冠肺炎病毒COVID-19 鼻腔免疫設想的人

     - 岐鵲


      新冠肺炎病毒的鼻腔免疫方法在幾個國家的動物實驗上取得了良好的效果,英國計劃開展人體的鼻腔免疫實驗。誰是最早的、公開的、有據可查的、提出這個實驗設想的人呢?藥理學博士徐彥君在2020年4月7號和14號份在《海外遊子微生活》的微信公眾號上發布了鼻腔實驗的兩個設想。並用英語把這兩個設想發給了 WHO, NIH, Health Canada ... 和國內的有關部門。原文如下:



徐彥君 海外遊子微生活 2020-04-07








我有一個初步的想法,給病人發放75%的醫用酒精濕紗布,病人打噴嚏或咳嗽的時候對著這樣的紗布,使病毒吸附在紗布上。收集這些紗布,將紗布浸泡在生理鹽水裏,攪拌10分鍾,使病毒脫落於液體中,高溫加熱 (100攝氏度,30分鍾),使病毒徹底的滅活。










II. 對新冠肺炎病毒或其它未知的呼吸道病毒的簡單免疫方法的探討-本文僅用於科研人員的交流和討論,禁止試用。






COVID19 呼吸道病毒免疫方艙的設計

徐彥君 海外遊子微生活 2020-04-14













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