在千人計劃的名單裏,有一個叫李Q的,2011年北京三八紅旗手,是吳H流的小三之一,她用假的履曆,到處慌稱自己獲得美國艾美獎(Emmy Award),還聲稱自己是艾美的評委。經過艾美獎協會查證,在記錄裏從來沒有一個叫李Q。李Q還謊稱自己在美國主持節目,然而她在美國稅務局的報稅收入隻有一點點,比美國最底層的收入還要少。此人也從來沒有讀過博士,隻在美國讀了不到一年的書,私下要求清華教授開後門給個博士學位。然而吳H流成功把她搞進千人計劃。他們之間的奸情是可以查證的,李Q開一家傳媒公司和地下俱樂部,協助吳H流在中國做宣傳,合夥行騙政府。
收件人:deleted name address
發送日期: 2012年7月17日, 星期二, 上午 11:29
主題: RE: ??: Verification request
Thank you for your patience. After some additional research, I am unable to confirm this entry from Qin Li as a college grant recipient or otherwise. As I mentioned we have no record of “Blue Sky Station” in our awards archive as well as our list of grant recipients.
Have a nice day,
Lauren Loverde
Awards Department
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, New York
The New York Emmy Awards
1375 Broadway, Suite 2103
New York, NY 10018
(212) 459-3630 ext. 201
FAX: (212) 459-9772


我 05-22 00:21:54
HH played with BB in my dream and miss you so much
我 05-22 01:18:44
Dear BB, 1:20 already, still working?
李沁 05-22 01:20:07
Dear HH, BB is still working. Maybe another one hour. Then we need to find a
24-hour printing center. The documents need to be submitted by tomorrow 7am
李沁 05-22 01:50:43
Finally, BB get a chance to sleep at office!
李沁 05-22 03:35:24
BB is going to sleep now. Good night
李沁 05-22 09:49:16
HH, BB got up now. Sleep in office wasn't that bad
我 05-22 12:54:08
Dear BB, glad to know you got some sleep at your office!
李沁 05-22 16:36:20
how are you, HH?
我 05-22 16:46:21
I'm OK, how are U
李沁 05-22 16:46:39
I am tried, just back to home.
05-22 16:47:25
BB worked too hard yesterday and need a good sleep
李沁 05-22 16:49:24
will sleep early tonight. Did you talk to her? How's it go?
我 05-22 16:50:13
Had a tough fight today and still working on it
李沁 05-22 16:50:52
what kind of fight?
我 05-22 16:51:23
李沁 05-22 16:53:10
for what?
我 05-22 16:53:42
Money issues
李沁 05-22 16:55:32
did you tell her the way i told you?
我 05-22 16:56:11
I did, but she didn't believe that
李沁 05-22 16:57:27
but you have the right to sell the house
我 05-22 16:59:28
Will find out whether it needs two signature
李沁 05-22 17:00:00
what did she ask for? more money? but you are poor, not successful yet. So ask
her to give you money now, and you will pay her back including interest when
your business doing better in the future
我 05-22 17:01:13
Will try this new strategy, thanks BB!
李沁 05-22 17:02:44
tell her you need money now, that's why you have to sell the house, and you
also have to take the money from your shared account
我 05-22 17:04:40
Will do that. HH go to bed now, good night
李沁 05-22 17:07:45
tell her your purpose for this trip is to get money to China to save
your business
李沁 05-22 17:07:57
sleep well, HH
李沁 05-22 17:10:51
tell her your purpose for this trip is to get money to China to save your
我 05-23 00:51:45
Dear BB, still working?
李沁 05-23 00:53:41
HH, Yes,BB is working on my dissertation.
李沁 05-23 00:53:48
did you sleep well?
我 05-23 00:55:10
HH had a short sleep but feel OK. It's 1 am now, BB please go to bed
李沁 05-23 00:57:16
OK, BB will take a show now
李沁 05-23 00:57:27
take a shower
我 05-23 00:58:02
Good for
李沁 05-23 01:25:48
Don't have, but have
我 05-23 01:26:49
bed time now, BB, good night
李沁 05-23 01:27:36
OK, BB go to bed, good night
05-23 01:28:11
Love U, BB!
李沁 05-23 01:38:20
Love U too, HH! Please finish the thing asap and come back to BB