
起瘋了 20201124

(2020-11-26 19:54:16) 下一個

我這些天有好幾個80歲以上的病人,除了low degree fever,沒有其他typical covid symptoms, 基本都是supportive treatment,預防並發症,和緩解症狀治療,大部分幾天能安全出院。

一個81歲的老奶奶,症狀嚴重,發病早期給了Remdesivir x 5 days ; 另一個40多歲的墨兄,SOB 嚴重,血氧低,錯過了Remdesivir最佳期,給了convalescent plasma 。

有症狀的病人,如果Rapid test 是陰性,我們會做second test,因為如果 viral load 不夠,會呈false negative。 如果病人present病程超過7天,我們會order PCR test。The duration of viral shedding varies significantly and may depend on severity (based on testing of oropharyngeal samples ranged from 8-37 days, with a median of 20 days),

即便Rapid 和 PCR 都呈陰性,CXR 顯示有不正常發現(Patchy ground glass opacities), 我們會把病人做PUI 處理,一樣隔離和治療。 而且會重複CXR,因為Early in the course of the disease, there are many mildly symptomatic patients with clear chest x-rays that quickly progress over days to patchy ground glass opacities.

有的症狀病人,Case-by-case,同時還會做respiratory viral panel, strep throat 和其他Labs;根據病情,有的也會做Antibody Test (IgM, IgG , but It is not necessarily confer immunity to COVID-19 and it is unknown how long antibodies last)




閻老在症狀幾天後,檢測 covid test negative,based on cases and studies,采樣的viral loading dose應該合適,采樣的技術問題除外。

閻老,也許是flu造成的心肌炎導致直接死亡。 Acute myocarditis is a well-known complication of influenza infection。 Myocarditis can be life-threatening if not treated in time。(我不知道閻老病程的具體細節,無法判斷)





補充一個Research information for PCR test 

Over the 4 days between infection (day 1) to the typical time of symptom onset (day 5), the probability of a false-negative result in an infected person decreased from 100% on day 1 (95% CI, 100%-100%) to 67% (CI, 27% - 94%) on day 4.

On the day of symptom onset (day 5), the median false-negative rate was 38% (CI, 18% to 65%).

On day 8 the median false-negative rate decreased to 20% (CI, 12%- 30%), and then began to increase again (21% [CI 13%-31%] on day 9). On day 21 the median false negative rate was 66% (CI, 54% -77%).



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