
為什麽支持Barry: There are many reasons for me to support Barry

(2014-04-14 17:49:56) 下一個


[編者注]Barry掃街時間安排為:4/13 從10am 至 4pm。地點:6148 Bollinger Rd., San Jose, CA 95129, Chinese Performance Art Center, (飛揚藝術中心);4/19 和4/20 同樣會在相同地點掃街。這是Barry的留言:我們一定要贏這場選戰,讓 SCA 5不再回來.讓騙子無法再撒謊。如您有意參加掃街,可以直接給CivilRights微信留言並留下您的微信號。

為什麽支持Barry: There are many reasons for me to support Barry.

The first reason is that he strongly opposed SCA5. It's not only for him to make a declaration of against SCA5, but also for him to have done a lot of real things for against SCA5. Barry Chang在SCA5上表示了強烈反對;Barry 衝在反SCA-5的第一線。在Cupertino Tall Hall meeting 時,他就組織大家高喊 ”SCA5,NO,NO, NO!”. 後來Cupertino City Council meeting討論如何對待SCA-5, 他促使會議如期舉行, 從而使Cupertino 成為全美第一個,也是唯一的一個公開聲明不支持SCA-5的city. Barry 為反SCA-5 的確做了很多。

The second reason is still related to SCA5. 因為Barry 對SCA-5 的立場和作為, 支持Barry是有標誌性的意義的,是表明了誰幫助我們,我們就幫回誰,而且我們有能力幫。Barry,從我們草根的支持中走出來,若是真的衝上去了,那 這個影響,可是大了去了。可以震撼四方,從此沒人敢小看華裔的力量,從此沒人敢小看草根的力量。 民主黨也好,共和黨也好,都不敢再漠視或出賣華裔的利益。

The third reason is that he has done many good things for the local residents. He negotiated the Apple's new campus project and helped it get approved. It's a 5 billion project which will create so many local construction jobs. Once it's completed, there will be 12,000 new R&D local jobs provided by Apple... He advocated to bring the Lehigh Cement plant into compliance with the law, for a cleaner environment... He served eight years on Cupertino School Board. He's very familiar with education system; and he helped increase funding for public schools... and many more.

The fourth reason is that he has independent mind of thinking. Frankly speaking, he doesn't follow the party line that much when an issue comes up with conflict between local residents and the government. Most of the time, he stand with the people; and protect the people. Someone told a story that he protected the local residents against a builder, although the builder had the support of other city council.

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