作品:REUSE, REDUCE, RECYCLE, 作者:Xintong Wang 15歲,2010年第八屆加拿大國際兒童藝術展15-17歲組銀獎。
作品:REBUILD 作者:Mona Li 14歲,2010年第八屆加拿大國際兒童藝術展11-14歲組,金獎。
金獎作者Mona Li 在加拿大第八屆國際兒童藝術展頒獎會上的發言:
It's a great honor to be receiving this award. I believe that the theme of this year's exhibition was a great way to promote environmental issues to young people by simply getting us to think.
The fetus at the centre of my drawing is there to make the point that the Earth is a very fragile thing, comparable to a fetus in the womb. Anything that happens on the outside of the Earth has a direct result on the health and wellbeing of the environment, as the fetus is vulnerable to all the actions of its mother. We, the inhabitants of the Earth, are responsible as caregivers to take care of the planet. We all know that mothers should not drink or smoke during pregnancy, and niether should humans be dumping pollutants into he air, water and soil. Whether or not we choose to face these issues is our own decision, but if we don't work towards a more sustainable environment, life will generally be threatened, and frankly, everything may die.
I could tell everybody to recycle, compost and turn off the lights, and these are all good things that you should do, but what may be the most effective would be to put pressure on large corporations in the industries that are jeopardizing our resources. The largest factors that affect the health of the environment are at economic and political levels and really involve the use of money. Saving the environment requires a long-term solution, not something that can be achieved over one or two years. As is pcrtrayed by the toddlers in my drawing, restoring the Earth to its sustainable self will be responsible to our generation of youth and those to come.
I'd like to thank my parents - my mom, Lu Feng, for the guidance and support. I would also like to thank Lisa, my sister, for getting me to the ceremony. Finally, I'd like to thank the organizers for getting the exhibition going and for everyone else who came out to support the event.
stillthere2015-03-04 08:21:45回複悄悄話
florence0012015-03-03 21:58:20回複悄悄話
"每次輔導創作" , 為甚麽要輔導創做?i thought that kids finished those art work by themselves . those are wonderful children 's art work.