


(2016-03-07 03:53:00) 下一個




三文魚 150-200克(150-200 g salmon)

熟米飯 2杯(2 cups cooked rice)

海帶 40克(Kelp 40 g)

柴魚片 一把 (Bonito flakes)

味醂 1茶匙(1 tsp mirin)

綠茶包1袋(A green tea bag)


烤熟海苔絲(Nori flake)

烤熟白芝麻(Roasted white sesame seeds)

蔥花(Chopped green onion)



1、首先我們要來煮湯料,取 海帶 40克,可以是鹽漬的 ,也可以是幹的,清洗幹淨後,加入800毫升的水 燒開後 轉中火煮20分鍾。我用的是鹽漬的海帶,帶有鹹味,所以湯裏就不加鹽了。


2、20分鍾之後,加入 柴魚片 一把  、 綠茶包1袋、味醂 1茶匙,你可以根據湯的情況酌情加些鹽和日本醬油 來調味。 再用中火煮5分鍾。


3、同時我們把 三文魚 150-200克切片,不粘鍋放少量的橄欖油,用中火把三文魚煎熟 ,記得撒些鹽調味。之後把三文魚取出放到盤子上,盡量不要把鍋裏的油帶出來,把魚肉弄碎。備用。


4、現在我們就開始做泡飯,先把滾熱的湯裝到杯子裏,把海帶等底料留下。再把熟的熱米飯 放在碗裏,


烤熟海苔絲(Nori flake)

烤熟白芝麻(Fried white sesame seeds)

蔥花(Chopped green onion)

一點點柴魚片  (Bonito flakes)或者日本魚子(Japan fish roe)


Today we will be making a simple and steamy salmon ochazuke. This dish is very healthy you can easily give it your own twist by swapping in and out of ingredients. this particular recipe makes enough for 2 people.


First we will prepare the broth. boil 800ml of water with 40grams of kelp and turn it down to medium heat after boiling and let it cook for 20 minutes. the kelp I'm using is salted but you can use unsalted ones or even dried ones and season yourself 


After 20 minutes add in a handful of bonito flakes, a green tea bag, 1 teaspoon of mirin, and depending on your taste you season with a bit more salt and japanese soy sauce as well. cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. 


Slice 150-200grams of salmon, drizzle on some olive oil in a non stick pan and panfry the salmon on medium heat. season with salt and set the salmon onto a plate. try to leave the excess oil in the pan. gently separate the salmon meat and set aside


Now we will assemble the rice bowl. first prepare the boiling soup into a cup an leave the kelp behind. place the cook rice in a bowl and add on the salmon pieces the nori flakes , decorate with some fried white sesame seeds  and chopped green onions . finally top it off with some bonito flakes or japanese fish roe. finally pour in the steamy hot soup and it's ready! 

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