

田園時光-- 糖醋排骨(福州醉排骨)圖文/視頻

(2016-02-24 04:20:16) 下一個








豬小排 500克(Pork Spare Ribs 500g)

白胡椒粉1茶匙(1 tsp white pepper powder)

鹽 1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)


蒜末2湯匙(2 tbsp minced garlic)

醬油1湯匙(1 tbsp soy sauce)

陳醋1湯匙(1 tbsp balsamic vinegar)

料酒1湯匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)

白糖1/2湯匙(1/2 tbsp sugar)

蔥花 1湯匙(1 tbsp chopped green onion)

菜油1.5杯(1.5 cups vegetable oil)









1、先準備醬汁:把屏幕顯示調味料---蒜末2湯匙(2 tbsp minced garlic)醬油1湯匙(1 tbsp soy sauce)陳醋1湯匙(1 tbsp balsamic vinegar)料酒1湯匙(1 tbsp cooking wine)白糖1/2湯匙(1/2 tbsp sugar)蔥花 1湯匙(1 tbsp chopped green onion 放入大碗內攪勻至白糖溶化。一邊備用,如果你不喜歡太濃蒜頭的味道,可以減量或用生薑末代替。


2、豬小排 500克(Pork Spare Ribs 500g)先用清水浸泡30分鍾後 切成小塊(注意不要切的太大,盡量的大小均勻,這樣更容易炸而且口感更好)


3、 加入 白胡椒粉1茶匙(1 tsp white pepper powder)鹽 1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)抓勻 盡量多抓幾次 讓其入味,然後醃製20分鍾。


4、再用 生粉3-4湯匙生粉 把排骨裹上,盡量把排骨上的水分吸幹。


5、菜油燒熱至140攝氏度,沒有溫度計的話 你用筷子在油裏試一試 看見大量的泡泡從筷子上升起來,就說明油溫可以了。。


6、把排骨放入 開大火炸 --炸排骨油溫要偏高一些,這樣炸出的排骨才才會酥脆。


7、炸至排骨金黃酥脆,而且開始出現脫骨的狀態,就說明炸透了 大約需要2-3分鍾,可以分2-3次炸,一次不要炸太多,多了會有可能油溫不足。








Today I will be sharing with you guys my recipe for sweet and sour crispy spareribs.  it's simple but absolutely full of flavour


First we will prepare a sauce by mixing in the ingredients shown on the screen, you will need 2 tablespoon of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, half a tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of chopped green onion


Keep mixing until the sugar is all melted and set aside, if you don't like the taste of garlic, you can decrease the amount or substitute with grated ginger 


Soak 500 grams of pork spare ribs for 30 minutes and cut into tiny chunks, make sure they are similar in size to ensure the best result when frying


Mix with 1 tsp of white pepper powder, 1/4 tsp of salt and mix well and marinate for 20 minutes


Add in 3-4 tablespoon of corn starch until all the moisture of the spare rib is soaked up


Heat the vegetable oil until it is 140 degree celsius, if you don't have a thermometer, test with a chopstick to see if bubbles rises up


Place in the spare ribs on high heat, this will keep the meat crunchy 


Fry until the meat is crispy and golden, the bone might start falling off the meat, this should take about 2-3 minutes, try to fry in a few batches to ensure the oil is at a high temperature 


Toss together with the sauce we made earlier 

解說詞裏提到,糖醋汁中用的陳醋--應該是鎮江恒順 陳年香醋(見下圖)

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