


(2016-01-28 07:29:57) 下一個





                                    英文解說(E nglish)


中筋麵粉2杯約500毫升(2 cups all purpose flour)

溫水約30 ° C  1杯(1 cup warm water about 30 ° C)

高效幹酵母 1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp dry yeast)

糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)

蔥花1/2杯(1/2 cup chopped green onion)


五香粉Five spice powder

白芝麻white sesame seeds

1、首先把 高效幹酵母 1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp dry yeast)和 糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)混合,加入溫水約30 ° C  1杯(1 cup warm water about 30 ° C) 攪勻。放置5-10分鍾,直到酵母水開始出現浮沫就可以了。

2、然後,取 中筋麵粉2杯約500毫升(2 cups all purpose flour) 放在一個大碗裏,倒入酵母水攪拌,這時的麵團會比較粘手,你盡量用指尖或筷子來拌。 隻要拌到碗底沒有幹麵粉,能成團就可以了,不一定要揉到光滑。


4、發好的麵應該是比較軟的,仍然比較粘手。因此,你在揉麵之前,先要在麵板上撒一層麵粉,再放上麵團,然後開始揉。可以不時地撒些麵粉以防粘手,但盡量不要加太多麵粉,要保持麵團的柔軟。按照視頻展示的手法揉麵,一直到麵團裏沒有氣泡 而且光滑為止。

5、把麵團分成2份,再擀成直徑大約30厘米的圓麵皮。在麵皮上刷1湯匙的油,撒上薄薄一層鹽和五香粉,再撒一層蔥花 你也可以用橄欖油和黑胡椒粉做一個不一樣的味道。






Today I will share with you guys my recipe for Chinese fluffy pancakes, it is a traditional Chinese pastry that is crispy on the outside and moist and chewy on the inside. The sesame seed and green scallion makes an amazing combination and will fill your kitchen with mouth watering aroma

First prepare 1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast and 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, mix well and add in 1 cup of lukewarm water about 30degree celcius, mix well and let it set for 5-10 minutes, this should activate the yeast and you'll see foams forming on the surface 

Then prepare 2 cups  of all purpose flour in a large bowl and mix in the yeast water. the dough will be very sticky so use chopsticks to mix or the tip of your fingers. continue this process until there are no more dry flours at the bottom and the dough forms a nice form, don't worry if the dough is not completely smooth

Cover the bowl and place it in a warm area to rise, in about 40 minutes it should double its size, the timing might vary a little depending on the temperature 

The rises dough is very soft to the touch and quite sticky, so before you roll it out sprinkle on some flours on the board then start kneading, you can add extra flour if it continues sticking but avoid adding to much to prevent the dough from getting tough follow the motions shown on the screen and knead until there are no more air bubbles in the dough and the surface is smooth

Divide the dough into two portions and roll them out into circles of 30cm diameter, brush on a later of oil and sprinkle on a thin layer of salt and all spice powder then a layer of chopped green saloons, you can also use the combination of olive oil and black pepper for a different flavour 

Slice a small slit from the centre of the circle and form a funnel shape as shown then press down and form round circles again that are the same size as your pan 

Now we will prepare the pan , any size is okay but try to use a non stick pan. place 1.5-2 tablespoon of oil then place the raw pancake onto it, spritz on some water and evenly sprinkle on some white same seeds and compress with your palm

Cover the pan and let it rise for the second time, it should take about 30-40 minutes to double in height. place the pan on the stove and pan fry on medium heat, make sure you do this with the cover on, pan fry for about 15 minutes until the bottom is golden and crispy, then flip it over and panfry for another 10mins, keep a close eye so the pancake don't burn 

This pancake is super delicious and when you slice it in half you'll see that it has a very cool pastry dough like texture. 















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閱讀 ()評論 (9)
lwei 回複 悄悄話 You are the best!!! Really appreciate it
tianhong_cnd 回複 悄悄話 做的真好,讚一個,和謝一個
zimoli2507 回複 悄悄話 Thank you so much for such a detailed step-by-step way of showing how to make the pancake. I have always been very intimidated in making the dough, I may give it a try after all :)
田園時光美食 回複 悄悄話 回複 '洋蔥炒雞蛋' 的評論 : 你這是看渴了,哈哈謝謝光臨!
洋蔥炒雞蛋 回複 悄悄話 看著看著就餓了…我喝水去
田園時光美食 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 還好隻要大家喜歡。讀菲兒的文字才享受呢。
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 很棒,很香,田園辛苦還加上了文字!
田園時光美食 回複 悄悄話 回複 '注冊很麻煩' 的評論 : 真心謝謝你的支持和理解。
注冊很麻煩 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享,辛苦了!