


(2016-01-14 04:20:01) 下一個

外表清雅 香氣淡淡,內心醇厚 甜蜜絲絲--田園真心八寶飯!






豆沙120克(Red bean paste 120 g)
烤過的核桃碎25克Chopped walnuts (toasted) 25 g
紅棗碎 40克(Chopped jujube 40 g)
桂圓幹 20克(Dried longan 20 g)
葡萄幹20克(Raisins 20 g)
烤熟的葵花籽25克(Roasted sunflower seeds 25 g)
烤熟的花生25克(Roasted skinless peanuts 25 g)
熟白芝麻20克(Toasted white sesame seeds 20 g)
廣式臘腸碎10克(Cantonese-style sausage 10 g)
鹽 1/4茶匙(1/4 tsp salt)
圓糯米350克(Glutinous rice 350 g)
豬油或菜油2湯匙(Lard or vegetable oil 2 tbsp)
白糖3湯匙(Sugar 3 tbsp)
生粉 2湯匙(Cornstarch 2 tbsp)
蜜桂花 2湯匙(Sweet - scented osmanthus 2 tbsp)



1、首先,我們把圓糯米350克 衝洗幹淨 ,瀝幹後, 放到一個大碗裏。加入350毫升的水 浸泡一個小時。
--- 豆沙120克(Red bean paste 120 g) ,這個豆沙是從超市裏賣的 比較甜,所以我的餡料裏就不加糖了。你也可以搜索我的視頻了解如何做豆沙。
--- 紅棗碎 40克(Chopped jujube 40 g),這裏的紅棗是很重要的味道,盡量選質量好的紅棗。
--- 桂圓幹 20克(Dried longan 20 g) ,不需要切碎,但要用水泡軟一下。
---- 葡萄幹20克(Raisins 20 g) ,給餡料增加一點點的酸味,不要放多,可以用蔓越莓幹(Dried cranberries)或其他果脯代替 。
---- 核桃碎25克 Chopped walnuts  25 g    , 把它烤一下,如果你喜歡還可以多放一點。
---- 烤熟的葵花籽25克(Roasted sunflower seeds 25 g) ,烤熟的花生25克(Roasted skinless peanuts 25 g)、 熟白芝麻20克(Toasted white sesame seeds 20 g) 這幾個隻是為了增加更多的口感,可以自選要還是不要,或用別的堅果代替 。
---- 廣式臘腸碎10克(Cantonese-style sausage 10 g) 可以讓餡料味道變得非常豐富。但要盡量切細 。
---- 最後,我會放一點點的鹽。
4、回到浸泡了一個小時的糯米,它已經吸收了很多的水份,我們直接放到蒸鍋裏 水燒開後轉中偏高火蒸至熟透,約需30分鍾。
6、取一個大小剛好的碗(口徑大約6-7cm)先在碗裏刷油,再把大部分的糯米飯放入 ,中間留一個大洞,把準備好的餡料填進去,再用剩下的糯米放把餡料覆蓋上。
7、然後放到蒸鍋裏 水燒開後中火蒸30分鍾 要把它蒸透。中間可以翻動一下蓋子 讓上麵的水珠流到鍋裏 盡量不要滴到糯米飯上。
8、蒸好後的糯米飯 把它倒扣在一個有一點深度的盤子上,把碗取走,在米飯的頂部用枸杞或其他食材點綴。
9、湯鍋裏放入2湯匙生粉,慢慢加入500毫升水,攪勻並煮至透明狀,然後加入 糖桂花 1-2湯匙(Sweet - scented osmanthus 1-2 tbsp.)和很少量的糖。買不到糖桂花 可以用幹桂花代替,甚至用枸杞。
10 最後把湯汁澆到糯米飯上,我們的八寶飯就做好了。吃的時候,米飯、餡料、湯汁一起入口 味道非常的美妙。
           1、糯米清洗後要用濾網瀝幹 否則碗底留下的水計量不準可能會讓蒸出來的糯米太軟。
          3、裝入糯米飯和餡料之前,碗底一定要刷油,否則倒扣時可能外型不完整 。另外如果你喜歡更多裝飾,可以先在碗底碼上蒸熟蓮子、桂圓幹、果脯等等。
          5、湯汁中的蜜桂花(或叫糖桂花)多倫多超市可以看到黃色的糖桂花,裏麵的桂花量不多,但甜度較大,你要把握好量 不要讓湯過甜。或者你可以買幹的黃桂花,但它味道和顏色都比較濃,最好用開水煮一分鍾後撈出桂花,再放入湯汁中使用。
     Eight treasure sweet rice mix is a traditional Chinese dessert that is made in almost every Chinese household during new years. Today I will show you guys my own personal recipe.
First we will wash clean 350grams of round glutinous rice, drain clean and set in a bowl add in 350 ml of water and soak for 1 hour
While the glutinous rice is soaking, we will prepare the filling
Prepare 120grams of red bean paste, I purchased this from my local grocery, its already sweetened so i won't be adding anymore sugar, you can of course make your own and i have a video for that
Prepare 40grams of chopped red dates, this is a very important ingredient, so try to find good quality dates
Prepare 20grams of dried longan, soak soft in some water
Prepare 20 grams of raisin, this will add a little bit of tanginess, careful not to add too much, you can substitute with dried cranberries or other dried berries 
Prepare 25grams of chopped walnuts, toast them before using, you can add a bit more if you like
Prepare 25 grams of roasted sunflower seeds, 25 grams of roasted skinless peanuts, 20grams of toasted white sesame seeds. These three will give the dish a slightly crunchy texture, you can decide how much to add and what to add 
Prepare 10 grams of Cantonese style sausage, this will give the dish a rich flavour, remember to dice them as thin as Possible to allow the flavour to blend in 
Finally we will add a little bit of salt
Mix all of these ingredients together, and knead into a ball 
Now we will steam the rice, at this point it will have soaked up a lot of the water, after the water has boiled turn it down to medium high until the rice is steamed fully, it should take about 30 minutes
The steamed rice will be translucent, check the center to make sure it's fully cooked, mix the rice with the lard and sugar while the rice is hot, you can modify the quantity slightly to your liking
Take out a bowl with a diameter of 6-7 cm and brush on some oil and place most of the rice in and dig a hole into center and add in the fillings and place the rest of the rice on top
Place the bowl into a steamer and after the water has come to a boil steam on medium heat on 30 minutes until it's fully cooked, remove the lid in between cooking to prevent the condensation from dripping onto the rice
After steaming place the bowl upside-down on a plate, remove the bowl and decorate with some goji berry 
Place 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and slowly add in 500ml of water, mix well and cook until translucent, add in 1-2 tablespoon of sweet scented osmanthus and a little bit of sugar, if you can't find fresh osmanthus, replace with dried osmanthus or some goji 
Drizzle on this sauce onto the rice dish and we are done! when eating get a spoonful of the rice the filling as well as the soup, it's an amazingly delicious dish 


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