


(2015-12-31 07:33:32) 下一個

2016第一道菜 美味的秘密不僅來自食材本身,還融進時間以及你的耐心守候。祝大家新年快樂!




五花肉 1800克(Pork belly 1800 g)
鮮幹白菜200克(Chinese Dried cabbage 200g)
黴幹菜200克( Dried cabbage-- Meigan Cai 200克)
鹽 2.5湯匙(2.5 tbsp salt)
白酒或米酒1/4杯(1/4 cup liquor or rice wine)
糖 3茶匙(3 tsp sugar)
秘製幹菜肉。這是我們家過年必做的菜,它非常的香 吃過一定不會忘記。雖然它很費時間但很值得。
1、首先要這種黴幹菜,放到水裏浸泡2個小時,然後洗淨 要多洗幾遍可能有沙子,擠幹水分。
2、同時把另一種幹菜--幹鮮白菜, 同樣浸泡2個小時,剪去堅硬的根部 ,然後洗淨  瀝幹  切碎。
3、然後把2種幹菜都放到鏤空的容器或者蒸籠裏 放進鍋中,燒開後蒸15分鍾。備用
4、五花肉 切成大塊。放入冷水鍋裏 燒開後煮2分鍾,撈出,清洗去浮沫。
7、取出五花肉留下底油,把蒸好的幹菜放入。加入白糖,用中火翻炒 至幹菜顏色變暗,約需25-30分鍾。
8、再放入煎過的五花肉 與幹菜混勻。
11、然後放涼,加蓋密封好 放入冰箱冷藏3天。
13、再用煎肉的鍋,開小火把幹菜翻炒至少30分鍾 一直到顏色變得更暗。然後和之前一樣放回碗裏,冰箱冷藏。
Today I will be showing you guys my grandma's secret recipe for a new years traditional dish,   It's a very fragrant dish that requires a lot of time but it's so worth the result. 
First we will need a type of dried preserved vegetable called Dried cabbage-meigan cai, soak them in water for 2 hours, wash clean and make sure you get rid of any sand in it, squeeze out excess water 
Now take out another type of chinese dried cabbage and soak for 2 hours, cut off the hard stem and soak clean, dry and mince. for a detailed description of these two preserved vegetables, head to my website. 
Place both of these cabbages into a steamer or a colander and place it into a pot after it has come to a boil steam for 15 minutes and set aside
Cut up the pork belly into large chunks, place into a cold pot of water, after it has come to a boil wait for 2 minutes then strain out, wash clean of the foam
Heat the pan hot and add a little bit of oil, if you are using a non stick pan you can skip the oil. place the pork chunks on and pan fry until all four sides are golden, this will take a bit of time and patience, careful of the heat and not burn the meat
Add in the salt and white wine, this will seem like a lot of salt , don't worry. use a high degree white wine, if you don't have it substitute with rice wine instead, pan fry the meat for 5 minutes to let the meat soak in the flavour
Take out the meat and leave the oil behind, add in the steamed cabbage, add in the sugar and panfry on medium heat until the cabbage turns a darker color, this should take about 25-30 minutes
add in the panfried pork and mix together
Turn down to low heat and let it sit and stir every 3 minutes, this should take about 30-40 minutes, careful not burn the cabbage at the bottom
Prepare a large bowl and line the meat and the cabbage inside, layer by later
Let it chill then seal with a cover and let it chill for 3 days
3 days later, take out the meat and panfry on low heat until the color becomes translucent, should take about 30 minutes
Use this same pot and panfry the dried cabbage for 30 minutes as well on low heat until the cabbage turns dark in color then place everything back into the bowl the way it was chill in the fridge
Repeat this process every 3 days for about a week, but the longer you do this the more fragrant it will taste, 15 days would be the perfect timing 


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