作者Author:Sandra Oslon---雅虎討論小組FlaxSeedOil2版主
Yahoo group: Flaxseedoil2
按:我身邊有一群千裏迢迢從中國來治病的癌症病友,努力治療,珍惜生命,艱難處仍心懷感恩。在異國他鄉,他們互相關懷,守望相助,真是很讓人感動。可我也常為他們的健康擔憂,關注很多關於癌症的信息。所以某日看到嚴浩於香港蘋果日報分享“布緯食療”(Budwig Protocol) 方法後也轉告了他們。
由於傳統西醫著重於化療放療,對於自然飲食療法不加提倡,而有些食療要求病人戒口,不食肉蛋奶,這就給化療中大量需要蛋白質的病人帶 來很大的抉擇難度。布緯療法在西方存在了五六十年,實踐成功者很多,有些癌症病人在被西醫宣布沒有希望以後嚐試此方法重獲健康,也有一些病友不願選擇化療 放療而直接采用布緯食療也被治愈。在咱們中國也有不計其數的中醫療法或者民間偏方,我們了解學習一下西方的民間療法,也算是給眾病友們多一個選擇。若是有 人選擇嚐試,請與大家分享嚐試結果,這樣會造福更多的中國病人。謝謝!
我 沒有任何醫學背景,隻是看到病人和家屬的痛苦心中很難受,希望多提供一點信息,也許在他們絕望的時候還可以看到另一個希望。如果有專業術語翻譯不當,請醫 學專業的朋友指正,我們可以一起努力給病友們提供詳盡準確專業的資料。如果有人願意一起翻譯小組裏的一些文章,那真是感激不盡!
布緯食療已經幫助許多人戰勝癌症和其它疾病。60年來它一直在拯救生命。Johanna Budwig博士是傑出的科學家,也是醫學臨床從業者,從1952年到2002年一直與病患一起實踐。你可以在我們小組的文檔裏讀到她的資料。
此份小結基於布緯博士的兩本書:"Cancer - The Problem and the Solution"(《癌症—問題所在與解決辦法》) [1999] , "The Oil-Protein Diet"(《油與蛋白質的吃法》 [1952].它們可 以幫助你開始實行布緯療法。菜譜也隻是一個指導性的建議,不必吃到所建議的所有食物。(大多數網站和書籍用了布緯博士的名字,但沒有完全遵循她的方法。相 反,他們又創造了自己的一套,有些還建議病人吃肉,家禽,魚,雞蛋,或者其他營養補充劑,這些東西有時會加速癌症發展,阻礙治療。)
布緯博士用此療法在50年裏麵治愈了她90%的病人,對付了各種類型的癌症。過去十年中也不斷有研究證明布緯所提倡的食物、果汁、曬太陽、放鬆情緒等對治療癌症都有幫助。在小組保存的文檔裏有大量見證,都是組員們在被診斷癌症後使用布緯食療重新獲得健康的例子。 實際上,化療過後的癌症病人經常會複發。所以易發癌症或者心髒病的人需要永久性地改變他們整個的飲食和生活方式。
1. 一個咖啡豆研磨機,用來將亞麻籽磨成亞麻籽粉。必須用現磨的新鮮的亞麻籽粉, 並在磨碎後15分鍾內進食,否則亞麻籽粉會被氧化,反而對身體有害。網上或者健康食物店都有亞麻籽出售。
2. 一個手持的電動攪拌機(棍子形狀,用來攪拌少量的食物很方便),攪拌混合亞麻籽油(Flaxseed Oil—FO)和茅屋芝士(Cottage Cheese—CC),讓這兩種食物完全融合變成一種食物,而且油變成了水溶性的,人體非常容易吸收。用電動攪拌機很重要,不要手動攪拌。這兩種食物的結合非常重要,是食療成功的一個關鍵。
3. 一個榨果汁機。據說擠壓式的榨汁機榨出來的果汁比離心式的要更健康。可以查看Green Star和Omega8005這兩種機器。
亞麻籽油(Flax seed Oil)和茅屋芝士(cottage cheese)
以下我們所說的FOCC就表示Flax seed Oil和Cottage Cheese的混合物,是這個治療計劃的核心。將油和芝士充分攪拌混合之後,亞麻籽油在體內更加容易代謝,從而幫助增加細胞氧氣濃度,使細胞功能正常化。
用量:在她的書中,布緯博士說用100克quark或者cottage cheese,這個量大約是美國湯匙tablespoon 6勺(1湯匙15ml)。
所用的亞麻籽油必須是冷藏在冰箱的冷壓液體。不一定用買木酚素含量高的亞麻籽油,因為普通的亞麻籽油比較經濟實惠,(但含木酚素的亞麻油也可用)。在油和芝士混合好之後,我們還會加入新鮮研磨的亞麻籽粉,這個裏麵也含有很多木酚素。磨好的亞麻籽粉必須在15 分鍾內吃完。
[1] 用3湯匙(Tablespoon)亞麻籽油和6湯匙有機茅屋芝士 ,用手持電動攪拌機攪拌到一分鍾。如茅屋芝士太幹,你也可以加入少許牛奶一起攪拌。在混合油和芝士的時候,一定不要加入水或者果汁。油和芝士的混合物必須完全被乳化,表麵看不到任何油。(如用乳酪,也叫酸奶,需把乳酪的水份擠掉,變得濃稠後才可使用。)
[2] 加入2湯匙現磨亞麻籽粉,混合後,立即吃完。
運動:如果你想運動,根據自己的體能做相應的運動---不 要超過自己所能承受的。關於運動,布緯醫生寫到“我絕對不會建議一個癌症已經有轉移的病人去跑步或者騎自行車,或者練習瑜伽。他的身體必須放鬆”。她還說 病人不要待在床上,盡量在家做一些不累人的家務活。對絕大多數人都有幫助的運動之一就是散步,在大自然裏麵呼吸新鮮空氣並曬曬太陽。
布緯博士的書"Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases"《亞麻籽油—關節炎、心肌梗塞、癌症和其它病症的真正幫手》詳細解釋了布緯療法背後的科學原理。她的另一本食譜書“The Oil-Protein Diet”提供了很實用的食譜。都可以從網上訂購,10美金左右:www.Amazon.com 或者www.Barleans.com都可以。雅虎小組共享文件裏有這些書的精華摘要。
她最新的書(也是最後一本)是"Cancer-The Problem and The Solution"。此書1999年寫成。這裏可以買到:http://www.nexus-book.com 小組文件裏也有此書摘要:http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FlaxSeedOil2/links/
另一本基於布緯博士理論的書在2011年出版,書名為“The Budwig Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Diet.《布緯—預防癌症和冠心病的飲食》。書的封麵寫著作者是布緯博士,但其實是她的外甥Armin Grunewald和他的兒子Alexander Grunewald 撰寫。這本書裏主要是他們關於健康人如何預防疾病的觀點(不是針對癌症病人而寫的)。
Written by Sandra Olson, owner, FlaxSeedOil2 & http://budwig-videos.com
Please bookmark the site or use a hyphen if typing it. Copyright 2006-2014.
This article is automatically posted often & is sent to new members when they
join FlaxSeedOil2. Please read this carefully, print it out & use it daily.
The Budwig healing plan has stopped cancer & other diseases for many people. It
has been saving lives for over 60 years. Dr. Johanna Budwig was a brilliant
scientist & health practitioner who worked with patients from 1952 to 2002. You can read about her in our files. Also in our Files are over 500 testimonials from our members for many different kinds of cancer. The Budwig plan heals the cells of the body.
This guide can help you to follow Dr. Budwig's full program. It's based on her
book, "Cancer - The Problem and the Solution" [1999] and her cookbook, "The
Oil-Protein Diet" [1952]. The menu below is Dr. Budwig's SUGGESTED GUIDELINE,
you don't have to consume all of it. [Most websites, books & one center use Dr.
Budwig's name but not her program. Instead, they created their own plan, which
may include suggestions that can promote cancer, such as eating meats, poultry,
fish & eggs, as well as taking supplements that can interfere with success.]
Most people begin the diet gradually, adding healthful foods & liquids and
eliminating damaging ones. The diet seems simple, but foods are powerful and
can damage or heal a person. The Budwig plan has healed people of many kinds of
cancer and other diseases and conditions.
In liver, pancreatic, stomach and gall bladder disease it's best to begin with
the "Transition Diet," explained in our Files & at http://budwig-videos.com
After the transition, begin the diet below with small amounts of the oil &
cheese as well as the other foods.
Dr. Budwig had over a 90% success rate with this protocol with all kinds of
cancer patients over a 50 year period. Many research studies done in the last
ten years support the cancer-fighting value of the foods, juices, sun exposure
and relaxation Dr. Budwig recommended. There are hundreds of testimonials in the Files
of this group written by members who have regained their health by following
this protocol after being diagnosed with cancer - many of them terminal. Cancer
can easily return unless you continue this program even after getting well. In
fact, cancer often returns to patients who had chemo, etc. PEOPLE WHO ARE PRONE
To start the diet, it helps to have 3 appliances:
1- A coffee bean grinder to grind the whole brown flaxseeds sold
in health food stores or online. Freshly ground seeds are a must.
2- An immersion hand-held electric mixer (a stick-shaped mixer) to blend and
bond the flaxseed oil [FO] & cottage cheese [CC] so that they become one food,
making the oil water-soluble and more absorbable. It's important to use an
electric blender rather than stirring. The bonding of the two foods is one key
to success.
3- A vegetable juicer. A masticating type juice is said to give a
more healthful juice than a centrifugal type. Research Green Star & Omega 8005.
TO START the day, an hour before breakfast, have 6 to 8 ounces of sauerkraut
juice. This is raw sauerkraut that has gone through a juicer. Don't confuse the
word, juice, with the brine water that is in fermented sauerkraut. Sauerkraut
has cancer-fighting benefits and improves digestion. Homemade is best
in order to get the digestive enzymes [recipe in Files - Folder 5-Foods]. You
can also buy raw sauerkraut juice online at this linked website:
This company gives our group free shipping and a special coupon for a 10%
discount on online purchases. The special Budwig coupon number is W545A1LY8
Type that number into the Coupon Code box on the Checkout page on their site.
In the UK, a supplier of raw, organic sauerkraut has a website at this link:
Start with a cup of green tea or herbal tea. It provides warm liquid
that helps with digestion and health. Then, eat the Budwig recipe below.
Dr. Budwig's oil/protein Muesli [or mixture] that we call FOCC, which stands
for flax seed oil and cottage cheese, is a key part of this healing plan. By
blending and bonding the oil and cheese, the flax oil is more easily
metabolized & helps to oxygenate & normalize the function of our cells.
MEASUREMENTS: In her books, Dr. Budwig recommended 3 tablespoons of flax seed oil
blended with 100 grams quark (or cottage cheese) in her "oil-protein" [or "FOCC"] recipe. 100 grams equals approximately 6 U.S. tablespoons or British dessert spoons of cheese. That's a ratio of approximately 1:2. Cold-pressed refrigerated liquid FO is used. It's more economical to buy plain FO instead of High Lignan FO because you'll obtain plenty of lignans at a lower cost by using freshly ground flaxseeds [used instead of Linomel]. Ground seeds should be consumed within 15 to 20 minutes.
You can watch a video showing how to make the flax oil/cottage cheese recipe by
going to http://budwig-videos.com Look midway down the front page. Upon
joining the site, you'll have instant access to more online videos showing the
Budwig plan along with many written recipes and articles.
Budwig FO/CC [or quark] Recipe: Make enough for 1 meal only, avoid storing. Eat
immediately. Use organic foods if possible. JB's cookbook has varied recipes.
[1] Blend 3 U.S.Tbs flaxseed oil with 6 Tbs organic CC or quark with a hand-held
immersion electric mixer for up to a minute. If desired, add 3 Tbs milk & 1 tsp.
honey, preferably raw honey. Avoid adding water or juices when blending FO with
CC or quark. The mixture should be emulsified with no separated oil showing.
Layer or stir in the following ingredients:
[2] Grind 2 Tbs whole flaxseeds, add them to the mix. [This replaces Linomel]
Freshly ground seeds can lose benefits within 20 minutes, eat immediately.
[3] Add various fruits such as fresh [or thawed-out frozen if necessary]
berries, any kinds, which contain strong cancer-fighting ellagic acid.
[4] Add other fresh fruit if you like, totaling 1/2 to 1 cup of fruit.
[5] If mixture is too thick, add 1 or 2 Tbs of fruit juice [e.g. dark grape,
blueberry]. Fruits & their juices are proven cancer fighters.
[6] Add organic raw nuts such as walnuts or Brazil nuts [no peanuts].
For variety, try vanilla, cinnamon, lemon juice, pure [no sugar] cocoa or
shredded coconut. [If you want a smoothie, add more juice & stir or blend]
Afterward, if still hungry, you can have whole grain bread with raw veggies.
Some members use Ezekiel breads. You can also have a couple ounces of healthful
hard cheese with breakfast or lunch. Gouda, Edam, Emmentaler & Jarlsburg have
vitamin K2, a cancer fighter. Please read this site for recent research:
Freshly-pressed vegetable juice - the Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook recommends:
"drink a glass of carrot juice, celery and apple juice, or beet and apple
juice." [carrot & beet juices are especially helpful to the liver & are
strong cancer fighters]. In her 1999 book, JB also recommended adding lemon,
radishes and/or stinging nettles to juices. Vary the juice combinations.
SUNLIGHT - Dr. Budwig emphasized that being in sunlight is very healthful for
vitamin D and other benefits. Avoid burning & avoid sunscreen & sunglasses.
If you feel up to having some exercise, individualize it according to
your strength - DON'T OVERDO IT. Regarding exercise, Dr. Budwig wrote:
"I would never allow a cancer patient with metastases to jog, ride a
bicycle, or to practice yoga. His body must relax." She also wrote that the
patient should not stay in bed, but should help with light chores if
possible. One form of exercise that is beneficial for most people is taking a
walk in natural surroundings for fresh air and sunlight.
One Tbs whole flaxseeds, freshly ground & added to a glass of champagne or sparkling
wine, known to help digestion & absorption. [1999 book] A glass of pure fruit juice can
be used instead if you prefer. The amount of liquid can vary depending on appetite.
RAW vegetable salad with various home-made salad dressings which
may include one or more Tbs FO blended with 1 or 2 Tbs organic
low-fat CC plus one Tbs Bragg organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice and
spices. Or, for sweeter dressing, try FO & orange, apple or another juice and
apple cider vinegar. You can vary the salad dressings based on the recipes in
the Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook. Several recipes do not include cottage cheese at
all. The body can utilize 1 or 2 Tbs oil without cottage cheese. Avoid
commercial salad dressings. Pumpkin seed oil can also be used. Experiment with
spices or honey for variety.
If still hungry, make steamed or boiled veggies and grains. [See "DINNER"]
LUNCH DESSERT: It's IMPORTANT to have a SECOND SERVING of FOCC with varied fresh raw fruits (organic if possible). Again, use 3 Tbs FO & 6 Tbs CC with fresh
fruit[omit flaxseeds if you had them in the champagne before lunch]. If there
are problems digesting this amount of oil, begin with smaller amounts of FOCC
and increase it slowly. Chew very well to optimize digestion. Predigestion
starts in the mouth by mixing saliva with the foods. Try to have meals in a
peaceful atmosphere. Relaxing is important.
One tablespoon whole flaxseeds, freshly ground, stirred into sparkling wine,
champagne or fruit juice: pure grape, blueberry, cherry, pineapple or papaya.
The amount of liquid can be adjusted to your appetite, as little as 2 or 3 ounces. Chew or swish ground seeds in the mouth, adding saliva for better digestion.
RELAX [in sunlight if possible] TO RELIEVE STRESS. Empty the mind of worries,
angers, fears. Focus on nature, music, deep breathing & positive thoughts. Think
kind thoughts about yourself & others. Dr. Budwig said that relieving stress is
extremely important. Many research studies support this idea.
One tablespoon whole flaxseeds, ground & added to one of the juices named above.
Both papaya & pineapple have digestive enzymes if they are fresh. Commercial
juices have lost their enzymes but still have valuable nutrients. If making the
juice, drink it immediately after preparation before the enzymes are reduced by
air and light. You want to get as many natural enzymes as possible [as well as
electrons from flax seeds & oils]. [Note: Instead of the fruit juices, some
members heal using a 2nd homemade vegetable juices as described at 10 a.m.]
Vegetable soup or a variety of veggies and starch-containing foods,
well spiced. Add Oleolux and nutritional yeast flakes after cooking.
Nutritional yeast adds important B-vitamins which boost energy & mood.
Choices of cooked starchy foods - buckwheat (JB's top choice-digests well & very
nutritious), millet, brown rice, lentils, beans, peas, yams & potatoes. Add
lightly cooked vegetables such as kale, tomatoes, spinach, beets, carrots,
chard, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions, artichokes, asparagus,
peppers, green beans, etc. Also, add healthful spices such as cayenne pepper,
paprika, turmeric, sea salt & others. AFTER COOKING, add homemade Oleolux 'to
taste,' which adds more nutrition and satiates appetite. [Oleolux recipe is in
File 5]. Use also on bread [whole or sprouted grain].
EVENING - A glass of organic red wine if desired. It's optional.
The above diet can be varied by the many recipes in Dr. Budwig's book "The
Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook," sold on Amazon & Barlean's websites for about $10.
Recipes and articles covering the full Budwig plan are included on the website at
http://budwig-videos.com THE FOLLOWING IS VERY IMPORTANT:
Dr. Budwig stressed that we must AVOID CANCER-PROMOTING FOODS such as
hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, animal fats/proteins [as in meats, poultry,
seafood, eggs & butter], cane sugar, agave & maple syrups, preservatives, highly
processed foods, pesticides & chemicals, as in household products & cosmetics.
Drink pure water if possible.
++ Avoid leftovers - food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon after
preparation to maximize intake of health-giving electrons & enzymes.
++ Drink warm green or herbal teas, unsweetened or sweetened only with honey.
++ Stress is damaging. Avoid stress-producing people & situations. Take time to
relax & enjoy each day. Listen to beautiful music, laugh, do deep breathing,
connect with nature, spend time with people you like. Reduce anger & sadness
through EFT[see emofree.com], counseling or a support group.
++ ELDI oils are oils for external application or enemas. Dr. Budwig had her
patients use them as needed. [See Files for information] .
++ Dr.Budwig did not include drugs or supplements in her protocol guidelines. In
her 1999 book, she spoke against them. She warned that high amounts of man-made
supplemental antioxidants can interfere with the diet's benefits. However, she
did not forbid supplements. Some people have added a few supplements to their
program & have made progress. Others have gotten well without them while
following the Budwig plan. Avoid graviola & ask about any other supplements.
++ Dr. Budwig warned about adding drugs & treatments such as chemo & radiation,
cortisones, hormones & pain killers. She also warned against the dangers of
oxygen therapy for the cancer patient & said that the cells are not ready to
absorb oxygen but are healed through diet. Flax oil is a mild blood thinner.
Using blood-thinning drugs, including aspirin, could be dangerous.
++ The rejuvenating foods in the Budwig Protocol give the body what it needs
daily to stop cancer & keep it in check. Dr. Budwig suggested following the diet
strictly for five years before relaxing a little, but you can never stop the
healing foods for more than a few days nor can you regularly eat damaging foods
or damaging supplements. Doing so could allow cancer to return.
++ Take care of your teeth. Infections can interfere with your improvement.
Dr.Budwig's book "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart
Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases" offers an understanding of
the scientific principles behind this protocol. Her cookbook
"The Oil-Protein Diet" gives practical diet information and recipes.
Both of these books can be ordered from www.Amazon.com or from
www.Barleans.com for about $10. Excerpts are in our files section.
You can also find it at
Her newest (and last) book, "Cancer-The Problem and The Solution,"
written in 1999, is available from http://applepublishing.com
Excerpts from this book are in the Links Section of our group.
Be aware of another book that was published in 2011. It's entitled,
The Budwig Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Diet. The cover of this
book says "by Dr. Budwig," however, it was written by Dr. Budwig's nephew,
Armin Grunewald, M. D. and his son, Alexander Grunewald, Ph. D. Please be
aware that this book presents their ideas for a prevention program for healthy
people. It does not represent Dr. Budwig's plan for people with cancer.
To read more information, hundreds of testimonials from people who regained
their health with the Budwig Protocol, and excerpts from FLAX OIL
AS A TRUE AID..., read our very thorough Files Section.
To see the Budwig Plan on videos, use this link:
http://budwig-videos.com Please bookmark the site for future reference.
One of our forum members, Helen, translated these guidelines into Chinese.
She had help from other members, Kukuku, Annei and Grant. Here's the link to
the translation in Helen's blog:
奶酪(cottage cheese) 在西方的超市有賣,但我建議自己做,因為超市賣的奶酪含鹽量太高,另外有少量的防腐劑和粘合劑。如果自己不能做,用出售的還是有療效的。
將牛奶倒入不鏽鋼鍋裏加熱,不停地攪拌,當溫度升至85C(攝氏)時,將蘋果醋緩緩地倒入鍋裏,邊倒邊攪(牛奶和醋的比例是1000ml:30ml). 然後將鍋移離火源,冷卻至室溫,過濾。
還有一種療法是在布維療法的基礎上結合用cellect powder, Gerson Therapy的精華部分(蔬果汁和咖啡灌腸排毒),VitaminB-17而來的療法叫: cellect - Budwig療法。這一療法來自一位生化學家(自己用來治療晚期胰腺癌),居說治愈率相當高。