0700-0915 LAX (UA# 8427)
1000-1030 AVIS提車,HotelPickup
1100-1130 Costco -UStudioTik, Lunch
1300-1400 Getty Centre
1800 ->Visalia Hotel: LAMP LITER INN
1900 Dinner at Applebee
AUG.10 0810-1030 Shuttle to Sequoia NP 紅杉國家公園
1430-1640 Shuttle back to hotel
1700-2100 ->Midpines hotel:Yosemite Bug Starlite
AUG.11 0800-1000 優勝美地國家公園
Tunnel View->GlacierPoint
1000-1100 GlacierPoint->4MilesTrail
1200-1500 SentinelDomeTrail->Or Taft Point(Or both)
Bridalveil Falls新娘麵紗瀑布
1900-2130 -> hotel: Sunrise Inn ,Turlock China Buffet
AUG.12 0900-1000 Hotel->Livermore SFO 舊金山
1000-1330 LivermorePremiumOutlets
1330-1430 SFO Pickup 舊金山接平平EK225(1310)
Dinner &Shopping
1900 Berkley B&B
AUG.13 0900-1130 Berkley (Banking, Phone setup)
1300-1700 ChinaTown, Cable Car
九曲花街,Lombard Street
藝術宮 Palace of Fine Arts
金門大橋,Golden Gate Bridge
17300-1900 Berkley (RUOCHEN)
2000 Sunny Yacht - Historic Oakland
AUG.14 0900 GoldenGate Park Bicycling, Parking
Cliff House, Berkley dropoff PP
Gilroy oulet(10am-9pm)
Hollister hotel
AUG.15 0900-1400 Monterey Bicycling
17英裏路,17 Mile Drive
蒙特雷灣,Monterey Bay
1800 Julia Pffifer海灘 Burns Park(Mcway Falls)
Elephant Seal Rookery-Piedras Blancas
1900 San Simeon
Dinner beside hotel
AUG.16 0830-1030 Santa Barbara - Mission Santa Barbara
County Courthouse, Observation Tower
1300-1600 Pasedena City Hall, ROSS shopping
1700 避風塘 Dinner
1730-1930 Griffith Observatory 格利菲斯天文台
China Theatre星光大道
2100 LAX- Vagabond Inn Pasadena
AUG.17 0830-1430 洛杉磯Universal Studio
1700-1800 Hotel dropoff, rental car return
2210-0600 LAX flight to YYZ (UA# 8324) ,taxi home