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trump團隊的納瓦羅,研究中國經濟多年,還拍了兩部電視片專門講中國經濟的。我比較感興趣的是這兩位中國通,一個是Michael Pillsbury (中文名:白邦瑞),中國人對他應該比較熟悉,裏根時代就是活躍人物,現在的title是American Director of the Center on Chinese Strategy, 另外一位帥哥很了不起,想講的是他:Matt Pottinger,Senior Director on Asian Affairs, National Security Council, 地位不可謂不重要,trump的亞洲政策都是聽從他的建議。把帥哥照片放上。我曾經看到過帥哥寫的一篇文章,講述他在中國的經曆,他曾經是華爾街日報駐京記者,因為報道一些事情,有一晚讓警察堵在家裏,把他寫的文章撕碎扔進馬桶衝掉了。我印象深刻他在文章裏表現出的屈辱憤慨,他說他是美國人都受到這樣的待遇,可想而知中國普通百姓是什麽樣子。他那篇文章結尾說得話讓很多中國網友感謝他,具體的我記不得了,大概是說美國今天做的一切也是為了中國人民,希望中國人民有耐心。當時是前幾年在微信上被人轉載的,後麵跟帖沒人罵他,都是感謝他的,我還奇怪小粉紅都哪去了。這人從中國回來加入美國海軍成為一名軍人參加伊拉克戰爭。有興趣可以去看看他寫的那篇文章,我找找看能找到嗎? 我非常欽佩這樣的人,真正的愛美國。
Before he joined the United States Marine Corps, Pottinger worked as a journalist for Reuters between 1998 and 2001.[6][2] Then he moved to The Wall Street Journal until his retirement from journalism in 2005.[2] His stories won awards from the Society of Publishers in Asia and were nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. He covered a variety of topics, including the SARS epidemic and the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; in the latter assignment, he met United States Marines and was inspired by their courageousness.[6][2] He spent seven years reporting in China.[7][8] While interviewing Chinese workers in Beijingabout their claims of government corruption, Pottinger was attacked by a government thug.