Blue.Crab2014-08-09 11:55:17回複悄悄話
回複 '黃玫瑰888' 的評論 : Looking at the history of Europe and Christianity, you can also find a lot of bloodshed and social injustices; some of the injustices still exist today. Culture revolution was a dark period in Chinese history. However, I believe in the people and time.
Blue.Crab2014-08-09 10:02:23回複悄悄話
There have been dark periods in every country and every religious. Six days ago, U.S. admitted that CIA "tortured some folks" after the 11 September 2001 attacks. Several years ago, U.S. soldiers abused the prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq. A couple hundred years ago, U.S. soldiers killed many innocent and defenseless Indians to take their land. As a nation with the idea of "all men are created equal", blacks could not even vote before the civil rights act. However, these did not diminish U.S. as a great country. I wonder why China or any other counties should perfect, of course, with all due respect to the dead in the story.