Blue.Crab2014-08-07 15:54:57回複悄悄話
回複 'greenhouse' 的評論 : What's wrong with killing terrorists who attracted U.S.? What's wrong with trying to establish a democratic country? What's wrong with letting girls to go to school? The ideas are noble!
黃玫瑰8882014-08-06 16:00:09回複悄悄話
回複 'Blue.Crab' 的評論 : well said.中國應該感謝美國是自己免當亡國奴的命運。就是現代中國也應該感謝美國把中國納入世界經濟體係,開放自己的市場給中國。但中國統治階層屬於恩將仇報的。為了自己的統治地位。
Blue.Crab2014-08-06 14:48:09回複悄悄話
Thanks to all the American heroes who took part in Special Mission 13, target Hiroshima, August 6, 1945 and Special Mission 16, target Nagasaki, August 9, 1945: Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Major Charles W. Sweeney, Major Claude R. Eatherly, Major John A. Wilson, Major Ralph R. Taylor, Major James I. Hopkins, Jr., Captain. George W. Marquardt, Captain Charles F. McKnight, Captain Frederick C. Bock and other supporting personals.