


(2020-05-26 20:45:22) 下一個

話說三月份北美被病毒鬧得如火如荼,醫務人員裸奔救死扶傷。本人心不靈手也不巧,無法製作口罩救急。一天突然收到一個郵件,說是賣3M N95口罩(網站名為abc-mask)數量有限,預購從速。本人一見大喜過望,馬上根據產品照片訂購了二十個,又付了$50的加急費,總共$281多,一個星期內到貨。



原來這些就是兩個月前網購的「3M N95」的口罩!

將這些「3M N95」扔進垃圾桶後向abc-mask發了一份郵件如下:

To whom it may concern:

I ordered 3M N95 mask on March 24, and paid $281.12 including $50 rush delivery. My original goal was to give these masks to local healthcare personnels upon arrival.

Yesterday (May 23 2020) I finally received the products, as seen in the attached picture. For sure they are NOT 3M N95 masks, and definitely didn't cost over $200. In addition after two months of deliver time, they don't deserve $50 rush fee!

I know that only some Chinese without any sense of sham can come out such a low-class action. You are not only greedy but also in a lack of humanitarian. Do you know while China was hit hard by COVID - 19, a lot of Chinese at US emptied face masks and other protective gears from local stores, and mailed them back to China? While American, especially those healthcare and other essential workers,started suffering from the same pandemic and face extreme shortage of those protective gears, what have you done to help?

The people (or not even deserve such a claim) as you should face Karma for your behaviors in not too distant future.

I don't want my money back since it already become dirty through your hands, and you should feel sham about yourself and the ones who raised you!

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