
遊吟矽穀打油翁, 倒油入瓶穿錢孔。 潛修默行油瓶拎, 瓶裏波瀾世俗映。

Star Wars Exhibition at Tech Museum of San Jose

(2014-02-18 21:09:43) 下一個

We are here

Anakin's starting point

Living on Tatooine is not easy. You have to bend yourself sometimes.

Do you see the phantom of Darkside, son?

Human or machine? When human be forced to perform machine tasks, machines will win. Or more specifically, those people who controls machines will win.

A man can be so powerful but still helpless.

Here I wonder how many Anakins turned into Darkside without father's guide and mother's care.

Those masks boomed Anakin's body but doomed his soul.

Yoda saw the future but could not change it.

Windu could stop it but didn't.

師傅領進門,修行在個人。anyway, the pair failed themselves.

Clone wars could be initiated by companies like G*GLE. Skywalkers should get ready.

Robots imagined in 1970s still shine as new.

What Anakin made was so complicated and beautiful ,comparing with those ugly ones made by companies and deployed by countries.

This lady should be admired, who gave up her life after giving birth of two young skywalkers. I am sure she is the only light in Darth Vader's dark mind.

Back to the future, dinosaur will soar again on earth. But they will be controlled by some people, good or bad, I don't know and have no hints to guess.

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