
遊吟矽穀打油翁, 倒油入瓶穿錢孔。 潛修默行油瓶拎, 瓶裏波瀾世俗映。

試譯Margaret Griffin的“To My Son”(母親訓兒詩)

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試譯Margaret Johnston Griffin的“To My Son”(母親訓兒詩)

致我兒 “To My Son”

瑪格麗特•約斯頓•哥裏芬 Margaret Johnston Griffin

你可知道你靈魂是我的伸延, Do you know that your soul is of my soul such part,

而你就好像我心的纖纖琴弦? That you seem to be fibre and cord of my heart?
無人能像你親愛的把我刺痛,None other can pain me as you, dear, can do,
無人可如你喜悅我將我讚頌。None other can please me or praise me as you.

記住這個世界從來報應匆匆 Remember the world will be quick with its blame

如果陰影汙點使你美名玷蒙,If shadow or stain ever darken your name,
“乃母乃子”古訓絕非空穴來風,"Like mother like son" is a saying so true,
世界主要從你判斷母親尊榮。 The world will judge largely of "Mother" by you.

就把這任務派給你認真完成, Be yours then the task, if task, it shall be

要讓這傲慢的世界對我尊重,To force the proud world to do homage to me,
當它目睹你勝利 定讓它口稱,Be sure it will say when its verdict you've won,
“乃母播種故豐收 乃子就是有種!"She reaped as she sowed, Lo! this is her son."

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