喬布斯給老婆的情書(打油詩譯本) Steve Jobs' love letter to his wife
【注: 朋友拿喬布斯的這段文字挑戰我的打油水平,昨晚擼胳膊卷袖子試著翻譯,今早改定。人在庫伯蒂諾,天天減肥走路,路過Bubb街上一棟棟Apple的神秘辦 公小樓,想著喬布斯已然撒手人寰,隻能空中俯瞰他的故鄉小鎮和所創建的商業龐然大物(想必此時對人生什麽是虛空/什麽是實在,當已了然於胸),還是很 有感觸。 所以才洗了油膩之手,正襟危坐,在iPhone5手機上的Evernote下正兒八經翻譯了這段文字,既給朋友交差,也借機向喬布斯表達一下敬意。 當然,譯詩還是打油體,因為咱別的/高雅的/古典的/現代的還真統統不會。所以,這個“敬意”其實也不成敬意。】
二十年前兩不知, We didn't know much about each other twenty years ago.
心有靈犀才相識。 We were guided by our intuition; you swept me off my feet.
優勝美地白雪日, It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee.
歲月流逝兒女至, Years passed, kids came, good times, hard times, but never bad times.
相憐相敬情漸篤, Our love and respect has endured and grown.
夫唱妻隨愛如初。 We've been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years ago -
漸老漸智人生路, older and wiser -
上臉上心皺紋舒。 with wrinkles on our faces and hearts.
一生喜樂也戚苦, We now know many of life's joys, sufferings,
兩情相守奇跡出。 secrets and wonders and we're still here together.
我足奔騰地不觸, My feet have never returned to the ground.