
Is This Enough?

(2021-03-29 12:01:11) 下一個

"People question my patriotism.

That I don't look American enough.

They can not get over this face.


I want to show you something.

I want to tell you.

Because I'm not afraid.

I don't have to live in fear, intimidation, or insults.


I'm 69 years old.

And I'm going to show you what patriotism,

the questions about patriotism,

looks like."


With that, Lee Wong, Army veteran and Trustee of West Chester, Ohio, stood

and pulled up his shirt, exposing the big hideous scars across his chest.



"Here is my proof.

This was sustained through my service in US military.

Now is this patriot enough?"


Rarely was I moved so, myself not young. There was something tragic and heroic

at the same time about the old man fighting an idea, a monster ancient as mankind

and has to be confronted by generations of Asian immigrants to come.


We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.*


Let adversity bring out the best in us.


* St Crispin's Day Speech, Shakespeare

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