Barefoot Experience Improved
(2015-04-25 10:54:27)
I must say I never thought going BFT would be much fun
even after I read about it in Born2Run! After consistently
worked on my form in the Xeros, however, (mainly just to
avoid blisters) my feet have fallen in love with the thin
rubber soles. Indoors, I prefer wearing nothing on my feet,
not even socks. I never thought my stinky, sweaty, ichy
and otherwise embarrassing feet feel so good naked.
Without shoes or socks, they seemed to slowly grow back
to be "a marvelous piece of engineering and a work of art.
(da Vinci)"
When I got out of the house, I really didn't have any idea
how today's run was going to turn out. I swam and did
strength work but had not run a single step for the whole
week. I'd be happy if I could finish 9 miles.
It was a blustery morning and the wind pushed back as I
trotted toward the bay. Last night's drizzle brought out a
huge number of snails on the pavement. Not wanting to tussle
with THE goose, I turned into the hills around mile 4. The
meat-grinding started as much of the asphalt was wearing out
and grooves, grits and gravels poked the nerves under my
feet. I slowed down for the next 3 miles.
I drank at a water fountain, went back on the levee and got
a strong tail wind. My feet and left calf hurt but the pain was
bearable. My cardio system felt nothing. Energy surged and
I sped up. The feet felt good enough to support the frame
and the pounding at higher speeds. It was a great feeling.
That moment, I knew my feet and lower legs had been
getting stronger.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need
not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put
the foundations under them. -- Thoreau
Yes. The foundation work is under way ;-)
10 miles at 8:46.
Yes. There was an outer layer, dark and ugly, on top of a
new layer of the toe nail. It broke away when I, in a
sitting position, brought my left leg forward and scratched
the left pinky toe on the mat and that was how I found out.
I got it long ago through squeezing and rubbing against the
shoes (including the big toe-box'ed Merrell as I was wearing
some corrective wedges) and never thought much of it--nobody
needs to see anyway. Simply going BFT fixed it.
The pinky toe on the right foot has the same problem. The
toe nail looked like a black bead instead of a hard, thin
and transparent layer. Let's wait and see how that one turns