
不愛熱鬧 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2014-11-23 05:34:54) 下一個


Describe the world you come from – for example, your family, community or school – and tell us how

it has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

Growing up in an Asian household and community has been difficult in many ways—however,

these aren't the stereotypical ways that would come to mind when you hears things such as “Asian

parents” or anything similar to that. The world around me has not only shaped my dreams and

aspirations, but has manifested itself within them.

Unlike a lot of other Asian households who only have one child, my family has three. Due to

the years and years of parenting, my parents have become the parents any child could ever want.

Through this parenting, they have produced prodigious and successful children. My two older siblings

are or were Ivy League students, and the oldest one now arguably lives a better life than my parents

live now. Despite these accolades, my parents never punished or forced them to do something once.

Rather, they watched my brothers achieve and conquer through their own motives and determination;

the same could be said for me. My parents never needed to punish us to push ourselves. If anything, my

brothers are the ones who have pushed me to become who I am today. Ever since I was little, I saw

how self-perseverance and determination can overwhelm any punishment that could be dealt. Today, it

is the same self-driven morals that drive me to improve and succeed. I aspire to follow in my brothers'

footsteps. Though the pressure can be overwhelming, I expect the results to be just as overwhelming.

My family isn't the only thing that has changed my view on my future—my community has as

well. The demographic of my school is overwhelmingly Asian-American. Though debatable, this

demographic leads to even more pressure than my brothers provide. There is so much competition and

over-achievement in the community that you find yourself struggling to keep up. Once again, it is my

family that leads me to aspire to succeed beyond the others. The hard work that is imminent in my life

allows me to dream of success greater than I could ever imagine.

Another community I belong to is the swim team community. Especially in my team, the levels

of success and achievement is beyond anything I would ever be able to do. Numerous accolades on the

national level is why we all strive for success. Despite my school's demographic, my swim team's

demographic is relatively the opposite, with Caucasian being the dominant ethnicity. More times than

not, I find myself being physically restricted than the others due to my ethnicity. I have to work harder

than everyone else so that I can match the caliber of my swim team and my peers. Thus, I have learned

the value of hard work. It is this effort that allows me to see the possibilities and dream big.

Because of my family and community, I learned as a child that through hard work and

dedication anything is possible. Ever since then, I have been dreaming of success and aspiring to be the


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