(2014-02-27 12:02:14)
一個同事的女兒正在組織一係列的義演給老人院的老人們,每個月一次,請到的中國小孩兒從四歲到十六歲不等。那孩子參girl scout,舞蹈全州比賽級得獎,在老人院裏義工做了幾年了。她哥哥,在學校打水球,boy scout到鷹級榮譽,很小就已經編遊戲程序賣錢了。他們的母親,一直陪伴他們,帶他們去香港參加過奧數比賽,這兩個孩子不僅是她的驕傲,連我都為之驕傲。
I have to say that you probably will benefit a lot from going back to grade school and learn some reading comprehension. You are extremely good at twisting others' opinion and feeling good about yourself because of it.
I'm so sorry. That poem was to 羽衣飛飛.
> Jesus asked to himself all the time. Shouldn't you, too?
Jesus never did. He knew who he was right off the bat.
No problem. I enjoyed it.
> You don't give a damn to anybody - because you're nobody.
I don't give a damn to anybody in spite of being myself nobody.
A poem for you
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
> it's neither complex nor unkind.
It is complex unless you are a simpleton. And you are unkind.
> Am I condescending to you - because at least you have moral subconsciousness.
Don't give me that BS. Nobody gives a damn about your superficial psychology here.
> You don't give a damn to anybody
How do you know?
> - because you're nobody.
That's true. But the whole sentence is not.
> You don't even know who you are.
Again how do you know and who are you to tell?
It's very arrogant the way you speak to the author. It's not what you say, it's the condescending way you say it--as if you are the only one who own truth in such complex matters. The truth, if any, withered the moment it's out of your unkind mouth.
I don't have to give a damn about ancestors or Jesus just because some bozo speaks in their names.
As for ``who am I'', you can ask, but who are you to tell?
Amazing. So you are the one who really understand what 祖宗 want. Maybe that's only your 祖宗 but then so what?
And you define what culture people should want. That's even more amazing. It must be a very satisfying job.