大海啊, 我的故鄉!

老生常談12 (熱門博主)
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(2014-02-14 14:16:15) 下一個



1. "Early Morning Fog Illuminated by Warm Sunshine", Inner Mongolia, China
Finalist, 4th Annual Nature's Colors Photo Contest, Outdoor Photographer Magazine.

2. "Early Morning Sunrise Over Peyto Lake", Banff National Park, Canada

3. "Spectacular Sunset Over Maligen Lake", Jasper National Park, Canada
這個視角很常見,那天的晚霞也不是壯麗的火燒雲。可是這依然是我見過的最美麗的日落場景之一。 周圍萬籟俱靜。白天熙熙攘攘的遊客全部都回旅館了,除了另一個遠道從英國來的攝影師外,見不到一個遊人。 夕陽把山頭染的通紅。這個加拿大洛磯山脈中最著名最漂亮的湖泊的最美時分,讓我又一次心跳加速,可惜幾乎所有的遊客都錯過了這場光影大餐。

4. "Shiprock on a Stormy Morning", Shiprock, New Mexico, USA
Shiprock is a sacred location to the Navajo people. On a stormy morning, I witnessed the most amazing light condition I've ever encountered in my career at this location. The incredibly rich golden light totally transformed the landscape dominated by black rock formations.
美國新墨西哥州的船山是印地安人的聖地,也是攝影家喜愛的題材。平時的船山是黑褐色。但是,在一個暴風雨即將來臨的清晨,我親眼目睹了 我攝影生涯中見過的最神奇輝煌的光線。穿破雲層的陽光把船山和周圍的翼石奇跡般地映照得金光閃閃,令人難以置信。

5. "A Perfect Autumn Morning", Michigan, USA

6. "Double Rainbow and Golden Colorado Aspens", Colorado, USA

7. "Milky way over Cathedral Valley", Capital Reef National Park, Utah, USA
Finalist, 4th Annual Nature's Colors Photo Contest, Outdoor Photographer Magazine.
這是一個需要4輪越野開車一個半小時才能到達的非常荒涼的地方,路況相當不好。那天夜裏,半徑25英裏的範圍之內, 除了3-4輛在野外宿營的車外,大概沒有任何人類在活動。在這個號稱全美國空氣能見度最好的高原上,滿天的繁星震撼人心。

8. "Set Fire to the Sky", Mono Lake, California, USA
A two minute night exposure captures a huge wild fire burning near Mono Lake, California. It was a bad news for the US Forest Service, but it provided a once-in-a-life time opportunity for landscape photographers to record an extremely unusual perspective of this iconic location.

9. "Eternal Curves", Antelope Valley, Utah, USA
Finalist, 4th Annual Nature's Colors Photo Contest, Outdoor Photographer Magazine.
Photo of the month and cover picture, Nature Photographer's Online Magazine.
Used by Apple Inc on
Apple's website and in Apple Retail Stores.

10. "Valley of The Bones", New Mexico, USA

11. "Loneness", Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA

12. "Life Like Summer Flowers", Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA
每年7月底到八月初,在短短不到2周的時間裏,在融化的冰川水流的滋潤下,這裏滿山遍野的鮮花會突然綻放, 上映一場舉世罕見的雪山下的盛大花展。

13. "Rolling Hills of Golden Wheat Field in Early Morning", Washington, USA

14. "Flowers of the Sea", Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA

15. "Call of the Wild", New Mexico, USA
First Place Award Winner, Outdoor Scenes, 11th Annual New Mexico Magazine Photo Contest.
Photo of the month and cover picture, Nature Photographer's Online Magazine.
Finalist, 3rd Sony Art of Expression Contest, Outdoor Photographer Magazine.

16. "Under the Spinning Stars", New Mexico, USA

17. "Mother Earth", Inner Mongolia, China

18. "Portland Head Lighthouse at Night", Portland, Maine, USA

19. "Sunset Time, First Vermillion Lake", Banff National Park, Canada

20. "Horse Farm and Fog", Kentucky, USA
Finalist, 3rd Sony Art of Expression Contest, Outdoor Photographer Magazine.

21. "Paradise", Mt. Rainier National Park

22. "Dry Season", Death Valley National Park

23. "Yin and Yang", Death Valley National Park

24. "Sunset on Hoodoos", New Mexico, USA

25. "Sky on Fire", New Mexico, USA

26. "Spring Creek", Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina

27. "Hidden Gem", Oregon, USA
Punchbowl Falls is a real beauty hidden in the Columbia River Gorge

28. "Fire and Water", Washington, USA

29. "Mystery", Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington, USA

20. "Wahkeena Falls", (Wahkeena means "most beautiful" in Yakama Indian), Oregon, USA
《Wahkeena瀑布》,Wahkeena在Yakama印地安語裏是"最美"的意思。 美國俄勒岡州

31. "Fireworks of the Sea", Palm Beach, Florida, USA

32. "Fleeting Moment", Cannon Beach, USA

33. "Tranquility", Ohio, USA
One of my favorite pictures was taken only minutes away from my home.

34. "Cracked Eggs", New Mexico, USA

35. "Mono Lake Drama:, Mono Lake, California, USA

36. "Cracking", Canadian Rockies, Canada

37. "Kingdom of Ice Bubbles", Canadian Rockies, Canada

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