

(2013-06-06 14:02:17) 下一個

Almost everyone has the feeling that is harder handling the face to face talk than listening to the news on radio, although having years English training.

Among varying things may be hurting the conversation couldn't continue, in my opinion, a person can’t keep up the pace of talking is the main reason cause all sort of understanding problems.

Unfortunately most the time it is impossible to let you ask for a break during the conversation, typically talking with your boss, haha;therefore, improving the responding time is quite important I guess.

以能看懂本地藍領報紙為目標, 比如溫哥華的 The Province. GRE詞匯就免了。不要學成火上房了,還在喊,flame, flame...哈哈
3)學會在談話中給自己buy some time,
這個很重要,特別是聽不太明白的時候。不過,帕得米就免了,說一些 比如, you mean...; if i am right , you talk about..; i don't get..; can you say it again...
4) 準備工作
特別是參加重要的會議, 做一些筆案會有很大幫助。

It isn’t easy, and the result may be various, because it depends on how much effort and time you are willing to put in; However, comparing other things, the beauty of learning language is actually you can feel the progress as long as you practise everyday. Good luck!!


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