What would you do if you had no fear? I came across this question when I was reading the Oprah magazine the other day. I saw all kinds of answers: I would quit my job as an accountant and take some photography courses. I’d like to see if I could make a career out of doing something that inspires me, instead of just working to make a living; I would open a coffee shop in our little town. I work part-time, and on the side I do a lot of baking and cooking for friend. I’d create a place that’s eclectic, warm, and inviting, where I could add a little sunshine to someone’s life; I would spend a year exploring the back roads of this country with my daughters. We’d go see the moving rocks in Death Valley, California, and the willows on the banks of the Mississippi. With nothing stopping us, we’d leave tomorrow……
Sheryl Sandberg asked the same question in her book “Lean in”. When she was giving a commencement address at an all-woman’s liberal arts school in New York City, she said, “…I hope you navigate the difficult times and come out with greater strength and resolve. I hope you find whatever balance you seek with your eyes wide open. And I hope that you – yes, you – have the ambition to lean in to your career and run the world. Because the world needs you to change it. Women all around the world are counting on you. So please ask yourself: What would I do if I weren’t afraid? And then go do it.”
Sandberg was trying to encourage women to have the leadership ambition, and to overcome the internal barriers to gaining power. She also acknowledged that not all women want career, not all women want children, and not all the women want both. I really appreciate that. It would be really ideal if people can just do what they enjoy and they’re good at as if there were no fear. But most times the thought of changing career paths and losing ground is scary, even though when you are currently doing something you totally hate.
So what would I do if I had no fear? I know it sounds like a dream – I would sell my property, buy some rental homes, and spend a year in southern France and Italy….. Maybe open a little café or an antique store. Who knows? Maybe someday I will…
What would you do if you had no fear, my friends?
Happy Mother's Day to you too!!
謝謝花甲。 也祝你成功哦:)
33, 覺得我們應該想做什麽就去做。 好像人最後都不是為了做過的事而遺憾,而是為了想做而沒有勇氣而遺憾。
那天讀到李敖寫的一段話,“如果有一個新女性,又漂亮又漂泊,又迷人又迷茫,又優遊又優秀,又傷感又性感,又不可理解又不可理喻,一定不是別人,是胡因夢。” 我怎麽覺得用在你身上也合適呢?嗬嗬。。還要加上一句又理智又浪漫。。。
九月, what more can i say? you are such a lucky girl. way to go!
鬆竹,給你講一個我身邊的故事。我先生的一個好朋友是眼科醫生,太太是香港人在越南長大,全職家庭主婦,從沒工作過。兩人都是虔誠的基督徒。大概十年前她隨老公去北京開會,遇到了一個老家是山西農村的醫生,跟她講那裏的師資條件。她會議一結束就跟那位醫生去了山西。她不敢相信所見的一切 -孩子們在那樣破舊不堪的環境下讀書,而且還有更多的孩子讀不起書。她馬上決定要在那裏建一所小學,讓當地的孩子都可以有書讀。 那一年她50多歲了。十年過去了,她在那裏不僅建了小學,中學,去年又建了一所高中,這樣她的孩子們就可以一直讀到上大學。十年來夫妻二人分居兩地,因為他要繼續工作去支持她。他去年退體,夫妻二人終於不再受分居之苦。。
33, 在你想做的事情裏,至少有兩樣也是我想做的:開飛機和即興遠足。有沒有聽過人的一生要有兩次肆意的衝動:一場奮不顧身的愛情和一次說走就走的旅行。嗬嗬。。my brother-in-law is a pilot so that makes me think that it is not hard to fly an aircraft...
If I have no fear...hmm, I actually had no fear through my life,I actually did lots of things I have never could dreamed about... but I've to admit that all of these, I must thank to my beloved husband, because of he has been always able to give me a sky to dream, give me a strong shoulder to lean on... cheered for me when I succeed,cheered me up when I was down...
So, if I have no fear, my wish is very simple, is to grow older with him, and lived the fullest to our lives everyday...and, one day, when we both have gray hairs, loose teeth,hazy eyesight... we still will be each other's dream lover ...:-) :-)
If I had no fear, I would set up my own medical practice in southern California,take care of women the way I prefered, with a team of physician, psycologist, nutritionist and beautician, to make them regain confidence inside out, to empower women both physically and mentally ~~~
Meanwile,I will continue to write about the journey of life, join medical missionary to help others, enjoy traveling to places such as France, Peru, Africa with my loved ones.
Hope these days will be here oneday :)))
Wish all my friends---夢醫生,素錦,雪影和珊珊's dreams come true !!!
我喜歡新奇和變化,所以我幻想每年給我一個月的時間,讓我有一段不同的生活:一個人在陌生又有情調的地方,用朦朧迷茫的目光看陌生人;和陌生人起舞;打著傘在小雨裏獨自漫步;一個人在小巧的酒吧學飲酒 (because I could not drink);一個人坐在公園裏聽鳥唱;但是每天都和他通個電話,讓他知道我在惦記著他:))
看了大家的“IF”,好象我的最縹緲,哈哈 問好各位!
雪影, you dream will come true... :)
和喜歡的人在一起,做自己喜歡的事 - who doesn't want this? hehe....
the rain-drops knock on the ground; and a residence in Florence where I could stay in a small garden making love stories:))
I wish my dreams come true.......
素錦, 夢醫生,還有33和梅蘭,願我們的夢想成真:))
I would 和喜歡的人在一起,做自己喜歡的事 if I had no fear。