人們並沒有忘記這位美麗善良的“安妮公主”,聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)為了紀念奧黛麗·赫本所做的貢獻,專門為她在紐約總部樹立了一尊以她名字命名的7英尺高的青銅雕像——“奧黛麗精神”(The Spirit of Audrey),並於2002年5月舉行了揭幕儀式。而在赫本去世10周年,美國郵政總署則發行了她的的紀念郵票。
Roman Holiday - Watch you walk away (Original Music) .
Juzizhoutou2013-07-18 19:10:05回複悄悄話
Thanks for the upload, She is my must favorite actor. I have the DVD of < Roman Holiday>, < Breakfast at Tiffany> and . But, I always sigh for her short life. By my memory, she was a smoker and she was too thin. I wondering if she was intending to be a smoker to keep the body slender, like most Western women doing? The price was: the cancer took her precious life at early 60ties .
隨想集2013-07-18 14:58:10回複悄悄話
She is one of my favorite actors. Thank you for sharing.
每次聽到"moon river"這首歌,都讓我想起美麗的奧黛麗·赫本.