

(2013-01-10 19:21:34) 下一個
答案:沒有問題。from Brandeis ISSO/文學城。

2.了解town的相關規定:要辦理哪些手續:NO (from shrewsbury gov), 買什麽保險 (租客自己買:renter insurance)(地主買:rental home insurance and umbrella insurance

Exceptions to the Rule
In most cases, the only way that you can get around having to buy a separate insurance policy is if you live there as well. This is seen more often in homes where owners rent out rooms to tenants on a monthly basis. This still requires that you make changes to your policy—by getting coverage for units rented to other people—but the alterations are minimal compared to having to have an entirely separate policy.

Rental Home Insurance for Your Basement Apartment
If you are renting out a section of your home or perhaps a basement apartment, check with your insurance agent or home insurance company first. If your unit has a separate entrance, it may be necessary to secure a rental home insurance policy for the unit. Check to see what your home insurance carrier's requirements are for the rental unit, and make sure you are compliant. Don't just jump on the bare minimum coverage if you are renting out a room in your home! Remember, we are talking about the rental unit that is attached to your personal home. If nothing else, write a clause in your lease that requires the tenant to maintain renter's insurance of their own at all times during the term of the lease. The tenants own rental policy will provide personal liability coverage for the tenant that could provide you additional coverage in the event the tenant damages or destroys the dwelling through his or her negligence.
TIP: Get the amount of insurance you need to protect your home and rental unit from damage or liability. Calculate how much your home and possessions are worth, and insure yourself appropriately to protect from total loss.,交多少稅以及地下室是否符合town裏規定的居住條件。跟貸款公司&保險公司聯係以確信出租沒有問題。

3.了解市場行情,分析利弊,確定價格 (550-600: 詳見《與其他studio的比較》)。

4.如何寫LEASE(比如所有全包,但在取暖問題上要有一定的附加條件)(http://ase.tufts.edu/och/documents/sampleLease.pdf)(http://www.masshousinginfo.org/resources/download/landlord/property_management/Lease%20form.pdf?item_id=98098) 以及如何選擇靠譜的房客(稅前收入至少是房租的三倍,最好就職於umass)。

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