
The Da Vinci Code

(2008-07-03 19:08:38) 下一個

和Harry Potter 一樣,暢銷書有著它們共同的特點:情節曲折,扣人心弦,讓人讀到深更半夜還欲罷不能;文字流暢,有韻感般的,讓人口舌舒服。這本書讀過之後,大體就是這個感覺。

除了共同點,也想想它和Harry Potter的不同之處:



the paintings got much interesting, in code point of view~~

1. Mona Lisa

"Da Vinci painted the horizon line on the left significantly lower than the right.

By lowering the countryside on the left, Da Vinci made Mona Lisa look much larger from the left side than from the right side. A little Da Vinci inside joke. Historically, the concepts of male and female have assigned sides—left is female, and right is male. Because Da Vinci was a big fan of feminine principles, he made Mona Lisa look more majestic from the left than the right.

male god, Amon,female goddess, Isis, whose ancient pictogram was once called L'ISA. combined : AMON L'ISA

not only does the face of Mona Lisa look androgynous, but her name is an anagram of the divine union of male and female.And that, my friends, is Da Vinci's little secret, and the reason for Mona Lisa's knowing smile."

2.The last supper

"The Last Supper is supposed to be thirteen men....The figure to Jesus' immediate right, focusing in,the individual had flowing red hair, delicate folded hands, and the hint of a bosom. It was, without a doubt... female.... That's a woman!(Mary Magdalene)

Notice that Jesus and Magdalene are clothed as mirror images of one another....their clothes were inverse colors. Jesus wore a red robe and blue cloak; Mary Magdalene wore a blue robe and red cloak.

In the painting, Peter was leaning menacingly toward Mary Magdalene and slicing his blade-like hand across her neck.The same threatening gesture as in Madonna of the Rocks!

3. Madonna of the rocks

"The painting showed a blue-robed Virgin Mary sitting with her arm around an infant child, presumably Baby Jesus. Opposite Mary sat Uriel, also with an infant, presumably baby John the Baptist. Oddly, though, rather than the usual Jesus-blessing-John scenario, it was baby John who was blessing Jesus... and Jesus was submitting to his authority! More troubling still, Mary was holding one hand high above the head of infant John and making a decidedly threatening gesture—her fingers looking like eagle's talons, gripping an invisible head. Finally, the most obvious and frightening image: Just below Mary's curled fingers, Uriel was making a cutting gesture with his hand—as if slicing the neck of the invisible head gripped by Mary's claw-like hand."

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