

(2007-01-08 11:11:55) 下一個

Finished the EMMA, eventually, after so many monthes…….

遺憾的是最後男女主人公 – Emma and Frank –  不僅走岔了,而且是心甘情願的走岔, 他們他們~~~~(嘲笑自己一下)

It is said this book is the best among all Jane Austen’s work, but I can't feel that way. “Pride and Prejudice” and “Sense and Sensibility” are much better work to me. All her work are quite similar, 線索柔碎,鋪塵細膩,精美華麗,波瀾不驚,但結尾卻常常出奇製勝~~

 Emma is a kind and very smart girl. She is so smart that it is very hard to find a man to match her. Frank is capable but they can’t seem to light spark to each other. Emma thought she made the match successfully for her guardian – Mrs. Weston. After then she started to make match for Harriet, a girl Emma likes very much. Emma made many mistakes for Harriet and also herself when finding the match. She is even too blinded to realize Mr. Knightley , who has been attached to her since she was 13 years old.

 不過Emma實在是缺少Jane其他work中主人公的passion. 使她在 “Pride and Prejudice” 中的Elizabeth and “Sense and Sensibility”中的 Marrianne的身形下暗淡無光。她隻在一小段文字中感動了我。那是她對Miss Bates說了比較mean的話之後,被Mr.Knightley(她後來的先生)指出來,她替自己辯護後突然淚水洶湧

Time did not compose her. As she reflected more, she seemed but to feel it more. She never had been so depressed. Happily it was not necessary to speak. There was only Harriet, who seemed not in spirits herself, fagged, and very willing to be silent; and Emma felt the tears running down her cheeks almost all the way home, without being at any trouble to check them, extraordinary as they were.



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