

(2012-12-24 00:51:50) 下一個
Dumped some junk today..

my dear daughter passed me a mince pie, 'mummy, would you like to have one?'  she's such a cutie pie : ) i played with her a long time today. She's insatiable, dear me. I told her you can't be the center of the universe. she replied, of course i can't because there is a black hole. i said no there is no centre of the universe. and she said, you don't know if there is one at least it is not proved (after we checked out the internet).

毛論憲法 應該是策略性偽造之作。聲明:本人不屬於任何派別,看客一枚
Mao's On Constitution presumably to  be a strategic fable piece. Claim: I don't belong to any party. I am just a watcher.

努力學習english, 加強溝通,嘻嘻。。。The storm is looming, hee haw, yeah! yeah! Got excited! (The latest forcast has shown.)

Happy moment: 後悔有妻,哈哈哈。。。。。。

我是怎麽學english滴?就看了一套新概念,然後基本上就背了一遍梁實秋的遠東硬漢小詞典(具體書名忘了,因為封麵早就掉了),號稱5萬那本,忘了至少3-3.5萬。出國考試閱讀是懵出來的,6.?分當年。but my spelling is awful.
"You carry a pack of lies as a leader. How can you expect others to tell you truth. I'm dull, so what?? I have no sense of direction."

Queen damn it! The mouth is full of stinky air after a whole day keeping closed. Let it out.

對麵的看客嘴張開來,open your mouth watcher across,
張開來,open wide,
張開來,open wide,
這裏有你的最愛,your favourite is in here,
請你不要不理不睬,don't you brush aside and brush off,

哎,唉 。。。。。。。。oh, oh

Merry Christmas Eve! To all grandpa and grandma, une belle-soeur and concubines, ha-ha-ha-ha....

Patriotism is always a trump card for polititians.

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花甲老翁 回複 悄悄話 祝你平安夜及聖誕日快樂,愉快.